Allahu akhbar!!!! Islamic mosque built at NYC Ground Zero


War For Oil!



Neo-con Thinktank!

Bush Lied, Soldiers Died!

Saddam Has No Ties to Al-Queda! Nor to Terrorism in General!

Downing Street Memo!

Fire Melts Steel!


Does that just about cover it? Am I leaving anything out?

Unsurprisingly, you completely miss the point. Bread and circuses, dear. Bread and circuses.
There never was a war on terror to win, Cato. Merely a marketing campaign.

Perhaps some clarification on the above quote is in order, Thurston. To accommodate the predictable point missers, that is.


I was simply suggesting "marketing campaign" keywords.
Perhaps some clarification on the above quote is in order, Thurston. To accommodate the predictable point missers, that is.

Don't hold your breath. Those two have been evading the questions, instead choosing to poke at us redneck loser teabagger types
Perhaps some clarification on the above quote is in order, Thurston. To accommodate the predictable point missers, that is.


I was simply suggesting "marketing campaign" keywords.

We as a nation have in no way addressed the issue of terrorism in an armed conflict of any kind. Our government just puts out press releases about it. The shooting "war," is underequipped, underfunded and there clearly is no, nor has there been, intent to actually get anything useful accomplished. Not war, marketing. The current administration is just as willing as the previous one to spend service peoples lives to keep the sheeple in a state of unfounded fear because that's what they think keeps them in power. Once the Soviets stopped being a threat, they found it necessary to manufacture one. You go to war to protect the sovereignty of your nation and you go to war with some intention of winning. Our sovereignty is under no threat from terrorism and we've been at this marketing campaign for most of the decade with no realistic possibility of victory in sight. Think it through. In most of a decade the United States has been completely unable to catch bin Laden or put and end to the Taliban? Honestly, wake up and smell the bullshit. There is no intention of accomplishing either task.

Our country is in no way run by our elected officials, they're just window dressing, the current version of bread and circuses. As such, they do a fairly good job for most of you.
The manufactured threat attacked us, repeatedly, (USS Cole, several embassies, Lockerbie, WTC-twice, etc).

The Taliban was nearly eradicated-until they read the writings of the Vietnamese, who understood that getting the American peacenics on their side spelled an end to our effort, especially when the media got involved. We spent 7 of the last 8 years hearing (see cerises list).

Iraq had been a thorn in our side for over a decade. Were we to continue patrolling their airspace indefinately? With his history of payola to the families of those who martyred themselves & his history of using chemical warfare -as well as his braggadocio regarding his weapons, something had to be done.

Needing to establish a base in the ME, in order to patrol Iran, Afghanistan, Syria & even Pakistan, Iraq was the perfect choice. It just so happened that Saddam Hussein & Sons needed to be eradicated, due to their actions. What perfect timing.

bin Laden is dead. Has been since the haevy bombing days near Toa Bora. The Taliban, as well as the remnants of alqieda, are counting on weakness from our left, constant attacks from our media & the new administration to destroy the word of the US.

I'll agree, it has become much to politicized (ala Vietnam). If we'd let our miltary do what it does best, we'd be done. I do not agree with your assesment that there is no war on terror (although, President Obama gets a no confidence vote from me on that aspect).

As for your last statement, who then is running the country?
GWB's war efforts were hampered by the left, including the members of the leftist media who took advantage of any opportunity to undermine the Bush Whitehouse, from giving aid and comfort to the enemy, revealing military maneuvers to publishing photos of American soldiers shot dead or dying to printing stories that claimed American soldiers intentionally killed Iraqi civilians.

Media outlets ran video of filthy, hippie anti-war protests and treasonous quotes from the likes of Reid, Pelosi, Murtha, Kerry, Clinton, et al backed with the media-supported -- to shape public opinion. The reason for this was simple: The left hates America as much as they hate Bush, and they went to any and every length to impede Bush's progress in the ME. And to impede the right's bid in the next presidential election.

The left has never had a desire to capture a certainly-dead binney-Boy nor deal with the Tollybon. Under Clinton we had men in the field literally looking at Bin Laden with the white house on the phone and couldn’t get an OK to take him out. The left doesn't even want to call radical Muslim terrorism by name, and they certainly don't want to deal with issues like Ft. Hood or NWAflight 253. They are simply "man-made disasters."

Their hatred for this country is recently evidenced by the installation as PoTUS an individual intent on "fundamentally transforming" this country. This is the only "marketing campaign" that has occurred in recent memory: the selling of "change" prior the '08 election, lapped up by the masses of first-time voters who showed up at the polls for "history-making" purposes. They would elect a president who would pay - their -bills and take care of them.

A PoTUS who prints money like there's no tomorrow, raised unemployment to new levels, bailed out and taken over or foresees taking over banks, autos, insurance, health, subway and light rail, newspapers, energy short, to make the population dependent on the government.

A PoTUS who criticizes this country on other shores.

A PoTUS who won't embrace American traditions, but will bow subserviently to foreign ones. One who pals around with radicals and appoints them to positions within his admin.

A PoTUS who won't defend this country. That is the only fear. They didn't run on a platform of national security. They ran solely on hoax and chains. And it certainly won't keep them in power.

-the 1st time peeps who won't vote again because they have become disillusioned with the voting process because they didn't get the "free money" they were promised.

+ all the people who sat out the last election because they didn't like the ticket and oh, look what happened.

+ the shifting tide of dems and indys who have seen the light.

A result of the CIA fighting the cold war with the Soviets.

Yep. We created him and al-Qaeda. Manufactured them, if you will. Again, I'd like to ask that, rather than going with the knee-jerk reaction aked of you by your popular punditry, you think it through for yourself. The problem is not that we have no control of Islamic terrorists. The problem is that we have no control of our own government.


-the 1st time peeps who won't vote again because they have become disillusioned with the voting process because they didn't get the "free money" they were promised.

+ all the people who sat out the last election because they didn't like the ticket and oh, look what happened.

+ the shifting tide of dems and indys who have seen the light.


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.