America- the new Roman Empire?

Welcome to the interview process. :nerd:

So Mr America... thank you for coming.

  • Tell me about yourself? (try to hold your response to 2 minutes)
  • What do you know about our planet?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What can you do for us that some other country can't?
  • What skills and qualifications are essential for success in the position of World Leader?
  • How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution?
  • Describe your management style.
  • What do you believe is the most difficult part of being a supervisor of people?
  • How would your colleagues describe you?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What were the five most significant accomplishments in your last assignment?
  • What were the five most significant accomplishments in your career so far?
  • Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • What are your strong points?
  • What are your weak points?
Just calling them like I sees 'em. Been wrong before, will be again. I see Ike as the first guy who kinda laid the law down to the "subject nations." There are parallels and there are contradictions, but "history" generally keeps repeating itself.
Isn't' that what Bush is suggesting?

We are all powerful,
we will fight to stay this way..
don't worry, we'll protect you.

Sounds good until the bill comes in.

Nope. The worst thing you ever want to hear is this..."We're from the government, and we're here to help." Believe that if you want to, but if you do, don't say you weren't warned.

BTW...why bring in Bush? This has nothing to do with the President. Never has. Grind that axe someplace else. ;)
BTW...why bring in Bush? This has nothing to do with the President. Never has. Grind that axe someplace else. ;)

In a speech at West Point on June 2, President Bush laid out a vision of a future in which the United States more or less monopolizes global military power — indefinitely. The President declared, "America has, and intends to keep, military strengths beyond challenge — thereby making the destabilizing arms races of other eras pointless — and limiting rivalries to trade and other pursuits of peace." ~from the linky that started this thread up.
In a speech at West Point on June 2, President Bush laid out a vision of a future in which the United States more or less monopolizes global military power — indefinitely. The President declared, "America has, and intends to keep, military strengths beyond challenge — thereby making the destabilizing arms races of other eras pointless — and limiting rivalries to trade and other pursuits of peace." ~from the linky that started this thread up.

Military might does not equal empire. Only a complete, rabidly anti-American would believe that. Hell...we've been top of the heap since WWII, and we haven't expanded past Hawaii.
I can almost make a better case for Rupert Murdoch being the modern Ceasar... certainly pro football is the gladiator pit... but who would be the christians thrown to the Lions... because I always thought that the Lions themselves were the said same sacrificial lambs. Its a bit of a paradox.

Look here buddy, the Lions were not supposed to be Lambs. I feel like you're trying to call Barry Sanders a lamb and Sanders should not be slighted.

Military might does not equal empire. Only a complete, rabidly anti-American would believe that. Hell...we've been top of the heap since WWII, and we haven't expanded past Hawaii.

BTW...since WWII, we've actually given back territory we had captured during our imperialistic phase...the Philippines, Okinawa, the Panama Canal Zone...
Would you folks quit talking so much?

I haven't had time to properly go thru this thread & dismember all the BS & yet it gets bigger & bigger & bigger, making the task too monumental for the X-mas season.
Would you folks quit talking so much?

I haven't had time to properly go thru this thread & dismember all the BS & yet it gets bigger & bigger & bigger, making the task too monumental for the X-mas season.

Then leave it alone and let others do the talking for a bit.
Military might does not equal empire. Only a complete, rabidly anti-American would believe that. Hell...we've been top of the heap since WWII, and we haven't expanded past Hawaii.

Military might may not equal empire, but military might coupled with a small stretch of the imagination (the promise to protect its allies) + (securing American style democracy) means Protectorates.

I still don't think that it can be pulled off, but if we're going to take trips down a slippery slope, why not enjoy the view.
Military might may not equal empire, but military might coupled with a small stretch of the imagination (the promise to protect its allies) + (securing American style democracy) means Protectorates.

I still don't think that it can be pulled off, but if we're going to take trips down a slippery slope, why not enjoy the view.

Every country in history has given such promises, and every country promised has a government that is similar to the ally's form of government. Your points are moot. ;)

BTW...better start securing those oil sands. If it gets real bad, just tell them you're a buddy of mine. :lol:
Every country in history has given such promises, and every country promised has a government that is similar to the ally's form of government. Your points are moot. ;)

BTW...better start securing those oil sands. If it gets real bad, just tell them you're a buddy of mine. :lol:

If it gets real bad...I'm going to work ;)
Look here buddy, the Lions were not supposed to be Lambs. I feel like you're trying to call Barry Sanders a lamb and Sanders should not be slighted.

The Lions haven't done dick since 91. They haven't seen the top of the heap since 57. Laaaaaaaaambs.
One of my favorite NFL Films episodes of all time was the one on all the yards Barry Sanders lost during his career.