Americans to use Chemical Weapons

Should the Coalition forces use Tear Gas and Pepper Spray?

  •'s against the Geneva Convention

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  •'s inhuman...and can kill children and old people

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  •'s not a leathal weapon

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  •'s better than bullets

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
President Bush has OK'd the use of Tear Gas and Pepper-Spray during the attack of Baghdad. Both of these items are considered Chemical Weapons and restricted by the Geneva Convention.

Will the use of these weapons remove the moral high-ground that the USA has used to invade Iraq?

Does this break in the Geneva Concention lessen your support for this war?

Do you equate tear-gas and pepper-spray to mustard gas etc..?

Unfortunatly...they do kill and maim. Specifically...they can cause blindness and rather nasty rashes on the face and arms..

they can react negativly with other chemicals in enviro...

they are toxic and can kill young children, old people and those with respiratory ailments.

Oh...almost forgot...their effectivness is heightened when exposed to high temperatures...police try not to use them on 90deg. weather and up
no it causes unnecessary suffering and can affect people that arent part of the militia or are innocent
freako104 said:
no it causes unnecessary suffering and can affect people that arent part of the militia or are innocent

That too...I'll try to find a link to their chemistry.
Tear gas (also called CS, CN, or CX) and pepper spray (OC) are chemical compounds that are weapons designed to be used by the military and police to disperse crowds and subdue individuals. They are mucous membrane (the inside of your mouth and nose, among other places, are lined with mucous membranes) and skin irritants. They are mixed with solvents, and delivered through the use of propellants. Some of these solvents are registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency as causing cancer, birth defects and genetic mutations. In Seattle, one batch of tear gas contained methylene chloride, a highly toxic solvent which can cause mental confusion, headache, tingling of the limbs, rapid heartbeat, visual and auditory hallucinations, menstruation cycle disruption, spontaneous abortion, and varying effects on lungs and the digestive system.
Both tear gas and pepper spray are skin irritants, causing burning pain and excess drainage from eyes, nose, mouth and breathing passages. Pepper spray is more popular with authorities as an agent of control because of its immediate pain-causing qualities. It is harder to remove from the skin and has the capacity to cause first degree burns.
If you are exposed to either, you may experience:

stinging, burning in your eyes, nose, mouth and skin

excessive tearing, causing your vision to blur

runny nose

increased salivation

coughing and difficulty breathing

disorientation, confusion and sometimes panic

intense anger from pepper spray exposure is a common response; this can be useful if you are prepared for it and are able to focus it towards recovery and returning to the action.

For most healthy people, the effects of tear gas and pepper spray are temporary. However, for some people the effects can be long-lasting and life-threatening.
People with the conditions listed below should be aware of these risks and may want to try and avoid exposure. Please be aware that in intense actions, police behavior can be unpredictable, and avoidance is not always possible.

Folks with respiratory diseases, such as asthma, emphysema, etc. risk exacerbation, or permanent damage if exposed.

Vulnerable people such as infants, the elderly, and the immune compromised, risk intensified and possibly life-threatening responses.

Anyone with chronic health conditions or those on medications that weaken the immune system, (ie: chemotherapy, Lupus, HIV, radiation, or long-term corticosteroids such as prednisone) risk exacerbation of illness, intensified response and possible delayed recovery.

Women who are or could be pregnant, or who are trying to get pregnant, may be at risk of spontaneous abortion, or increased risk of birth defects.

Nursing mothers risk passing toxins on to their infant.

Folks with skin conditions (ie: severe acne, psoriasis, or eczema) and eye conditions (ie: conjunctivitis or uveitis) risk an intensified response.

People wearing contact lenses may experience increased eye irritation and damage due to chemicals being trapped under the lenses.

MrBishop said:
Women who are or could be pregnant, or who are trying to get pregnant, may be at risk of spontaneous abortion, or increased risk of birth defects.

Remember what happened in Chicago? How many people were killed or injured at that club? Now imagine using it on a massive scale! Imagine the effect. Bullets, gas, its gonna have the same effect ultimately. Dead is dead no matter how it happens. On the other hand, even civillians use it on civillians here, so I guess you have a good argument for using it.
I don't know, the tear gas may be a bad thing. The military has gas masks, I'm assuming will protect against tear gas or pepper spray. So basically the only people that would be affected by this would be the civilians. Doesn't sound like a very good tactic to me, unless we can do it fast enough to overpower the entire city, I think people would rather have a runny nose and watering eyes for a day than bullets flying past for a couple weeks.
unclehobart said:
Those people didn't die from tear gas... those people died from being trampled

Yeah...but imagine the trampling on a major scale...we're talking of Millions of people living in Baghdad...not just 100+ in a club
Are you trying to find a good reason why Saddam should use his WMD chemical weapons? If it says in the geneva convention they can't use it then they shouldn't.

I am wondering if it was then against the Geneva convention to use a fentanyl analouge like the russians did against the terrorists from Kosovo.
(CBS) Russia's top health official said Wednesday that the gas used in the special forces storming of a Moscow theater held by dozens of gunmen was based on Fentanyl, a fast-acting opiate that has many medical applications, the Interfax and ITAR-Tass news agencies reported.

At least 117 of the hostage-takers' victims were felled by the gas.

Anyway they went out feeling good:D

Anyway if tear gas is concidered a chemical weapon then they shouldn't use it even though it is used everyday here in the states and else where in the world.

It is funny that the smoke and fire from a bomb is not concidered a chemical weapon;) Kill you alot faster than tear gas.
Nah...what I'm trying to say is that by using tear gas/pepper spray, teh USA is effectily negating their moral addition, they are voiding the Geneva Convention as it applies to this conflict, and thus are allowing Saddam to use his chemical weapons without reproach..."

the Americans used Chem.weapons first...we just defended ourselves."

It's a moral quandry...and an ethical sinkhole.

Obviously a fake Saddam...but check out who he's surrounding himself with....Women and Children.

The millions are dwindling every day as the roads out of town are packed. The civilians by and large are better prepared than we think... but the military is very prepared. I don't think the police grade chemical stuff will make a whit of difference. They need to resort to SWAT grade flashbang grenades, bomb sniffing dogs, corner peeking sniper rifles, smoke canisters, loud music, and just take it block by block as methodical as possible. We've got time. We just need the resources to be able to shuffle and feed a million people about. .. yuk. Cities are such a logistical nightmare.
You circumvented the issue Unc...the pepper-spray may not be effective..but it will beused anyway...and open up a whole new can of worms.

I do agree with oyu that the city fighting will be a mess and a half