MrBishop said:President Bush has OK'd the use of Tear Gas and Pepper-Spray during the attack of Baghdad. Both of these items are considered Chemical Weapons and restricted by the Geneva Convention.
Will the use of these weapons remove the moral high-ground that the USA has used to invade Iraq?
Does this break in the Geneva Concention lessen your support for this war?
You know I did not see a link for this? Do you have one? How about the decree that Bush signed?
Do you equate tear-gas and pepper-spray to mustard gas etc..?
No, how could you. You may find this funny or stupid but when i was a kid I used to spray my parents tear gas in the living room when they were not there. It didn't bother me that bad.
Another time I sprayed the tear gas my dad had in his glove box while he was taking a piss. He hopped back the car and freaked out. For some reason I guess tear gas doesn't bother me that much. It was only the kind you could buy in the stores though and police or military tear gas may be worse. I was used to getting pelted with chemicals like cigarette and pot smoke from my parents when a child tear gas is not much worse