An informed mass


molṑn labé
Staff member
is the enemy of the state.

...information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

Pressure for the pols to find new ways to avoid getting caught in our REPUBLIC, Mr President. Don't like the 24 hour news cycle? Find a new job.






Spend your time in servitude to the state, not educating yourself.

Each according to his ability. Report your family and neighbors to: [email protected]
Obama argued that from the days of the pioneer politicians who founded the United States, until the modern day, education and knowledge had been the key to progress and US democracy.
He drew a line between Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and today's challenges.
"What Jefferson recognized... that in the long run, their improbable experiment -- called America -- wouldn't work if its citizens were uninformed, if its citizens were apathetic, if its citizens checked out, and left democracy to those who didn't have the best interests of all the people at heart.
"It could only work if each of us stayed informed and engaged, if we held our government accountable, if we fulfilled the obligations of citizenship."
is the enemy of the state.

Pressure for the pols to find new ways to avoid getting caught in our REPUBLIC, Mr President. Don't like the 24 hour news cycle? Find a new job.


psst... he's talking about entertainment, not news Gonz. Being overwhelmed by entertainment in lieu of educating yourself is//the enemy of the state.
In Tommy’s time wasn’t it only White male property owners
that were deemed worthy of making decisions on how the nation should be governed?
Them boys knew what was what.

Fat coloured cracks hoes prolly ain’t gonna elect the type of folks that have our best interests in mind.
psst... he's talking about entertainment, not news Gonz. Being overwhelmed by entertainment in lieu of educating yourself is//the enemy of the state.

prime example of seeing only what you want to see.


I don't see the part where the pres. specified the part you are talking about.
Got a link?
prime example of seeing only what you want to see.


I don't see the part where the pres. specified the part you are talking about.
Got a link?

US President Barack Obama lamented Sunday that in the iPad and Xbox era, information had become a diversion that was imposing new strains on democracy, in his latest critique of modern media.
Obama, who often chides journalists and cable news outlets for obsessing with political horse race coverage rather than serious issues, told a class of graduating university students that education was the key to progress.
"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.
"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said.

It's from the link.

We are, more than ever, being bombarded with information from a multitude of sources. Everything from advertising to news, from blogs and internet sites, email, and even places like OTC. People have to filter what comes in and keep the relevant and most truthful. The best filter is education.
People have to filter what comes in and keep the relevant and most truthful. The best filter is education.

That why we homeschool.

Who gets to decide what's filtered?
You want the gov.
I want individual freedom of the heads of family to decide for their selves, and family.
In Tommy’s time wasn’t it only White male property owners
that were deemed worthy of making decisions on how the nation should be governed?

In reality, no. It was male property owners. The white part came later.
"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

Only his truth is the real truth. All other truth is a lie. How Orwellian is that?
I suppose the government is planning on regulating the Internet so it will be high the the "truth meter".
That why we homeschool.

Who gets to decide what's filtered?
You want the gov.
I want individual freedom of the heads of family to decide for their selves, and family.

No no, cato. Education IS the filter. The more you know, the better you can filter out the BS. Whether that education comes from school (Note, I didn't say that schooling was the filter), parents, books, peers etc..
No no, cato. Education IS the filter. The more you know, the better you can filter out the BS. Whether that education comes from school (Note, I didn't say that schooling was the filter), parents, books, peers etc..

but education comes from schooling.
Who does the filtering is still the question.