An informed mass

No cato... education comes from all over the damned place. It's just refereed to more often as being the same as school.
I know that.

I don't understand where you are coming from on the filtering part though.

e.g. like...I don't want these kids here to be accessing porn, but I don't want the gov. deciding
where they can get their 'news' from.

The FCC has done a piss poor job on the network TV IMO, latey, and
I'm not talking about net neutrality. Just the opposite.
They've all but shut out some of the channels I'd like to see along the
"Christain" channels lines, yet put adult swim stuff on the cartoon channel.
idiocracy stuff there.
pretty soon nambla will take over chucky cheeses.
Obama isn't saying anything about regulating where news comes from..hell, he's not even talking about installing filters on the net, or other media.

Think of it this way. You get bombarded with messages every day. Let's pick marketing messages as a fine example. There are radio ads, tv ads, billboards, flyers, spam, junkmail, sheets found on your windshield wipers etc... Your brain needs to filter all that junk in order to get what's relevant to you. The more knowledge that you have about what you need, the easier that internal filtering will happen. The more information that you take in daily, the more difficult it'll be to find the gem in the coalmine of information.

With me so far?

This also applies to news. News used to be gotten from a few sources. Newspapers, radio, TV news shows and for the local stuff, talking with your neighbours etc.

News shows were on a few times per day... 6pm and 11pm. Newspapers came in the morning, radio was on more often but still sporadic. These media were held up to a fairly high standard. Check the information and the source and report it with minimal opinion thrown in. Fairly easy to filter out the crap and get to the REAL news.

Now, there are 24hr news channels galore, news-related and political-oriented talk shows, opinion shows which don't report on the news and let you make your decision but rather state their opinion without stating the details, news blogs, chat spaces and newspapers with unlimited space online to print whatever they want. Most of the new 'news' and opinion places don't follow the old maxim of Check the information and the source...what they're after is speed. Get the scoop.

So what you get is even MORE information and you can't trust that it's been checked for truth. (They can always retract later..maybe).
Add to that the additional distractions of games and the internet's ADD posterboys (Facebook and Twitter) and you're buying information overload.

Leaves you with two options.
1) Tune out by limiting who you get your news from.
2) Get a better filter between your educating yourself.
Leaves you with two options.
1) Tune out by limiting who you get your news from.
2) Get a better filter between your educating yourself.

oh, ok, so you are saying we're on the same page then,
and gov. needs to stay out of it?
Sure... but I'd still like to be able to hold certain commentators up to the same standards. Verify sources and facts BEFORE printing/speaking. I'd certainly like to remove the "News' moniker from many pundits, Rush included.
Sure... but I'd still like to be able to hold certain commentators up to the same standards. Verify sources and facts BEFORE printing/speaking. I'd certainly like to remove the "News' moniker from many pundits, Rush included.
Sir, Rush Limbaugh is an "entertainer". He said so himself. He is not a news-person...
To quote Rush Limbaugh, "...I'm proud to be an entertainer. This is showbiz...."
OMG, Gonz... I'm so proud of you for posting that...
Obama, who often chides journalists and cable news outlets for obsessing with political horse race coverage rather than serious issues, told a class of graduating university students that education was the key to progress.

"Education... can fortify you, as it did earlier generations, to meet the tests of your own time," he said.

"What Jefferson recognized... that in the long run, their improbable experiment -- called America -- wouldn't work if its citizens were uninformed, if its citizens were apathetic, if its citizens checked out, and left democracy to those who didn't have the best interests of all the people at heart.

"It could only work if each of us stayed informed and engaged, if we held our government accountable, if we fulfilled the obligations of citizenship."
I was not expecting something so positive. No offense meant. I apologize for doubting you and staying away from this thread. Really! I mean that!
Awesome! :) :hairbang:
well then the state obviously has little to worry about if those opposing it are the drooling sound byte/bumper sticker crowd.

Well, we could follow examples like the 138 page thesis on the effects on drugs in America & pare it down to JUST SAY NO.

Maybe we could spend a bazillion dollars & find out that a blue-ribbon panel came to the same conclusion...When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

100 out of 100 well educated doctors agree...Abortion kills.

The best part about bumper sticker philosophy is it saves a buch of money & keeps over-educated chimps out of work.
Obama isn't saying anything about regulating where news comes from

That's exactly what he is saying. His administratrion has already said Fox News isn't news. He's alluded to TEA party participants as being anti-government (they're not), violent (not one instance of violence) among others, including Tea-Bagger.

His admionistration is looking to regulate the internet (just after a court ruling that it's not their job). They want it to be fair, doncha know.

He wants one message & that is his message. All else is lies & deception. X-box & Playstation huh? This, from a crackberry junkie.

News used to be gotten from a few sources. Newspapers, radio, TV news shows and for the local stuff, talking with your neighbours etc.

Control the information & you control the world.
OMG, Gonz... I'm so proud of you for posting that...

I was not expecting something so positive. No offense meant. I apologize for doubting you and staying away from this thread. Really! I mean that!
Awesome! :) :hairbang:

Thank God unions run education, huh?
Well, we could follow examples like the 138 page thesis on the effects on drugs in America & pare it down to JUST SAY NO.

Maybe we could spend a bazillion dollars & find out that a blue-ribbon panel came to the same conclusion...When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

100 out of 100 well educated doctors agree...Abortion kills.

The best part about bumper sticker philosophy is it saves a buch of money & keeps over-educated chimps out of work.

without those over-educated chimps, you'd still be a caveman. oh, wait...