An OTC Tragedy ...

*tries to suck Shadowfax's nipple*


*furiously twists Shadowfax's nipple because there is no milk*

Move to hospital ... Nalani walks in to see Nurse Spirit at the Nurse's Station .. of course, they are immaculate, hair in place, nails nicely done ...

Spirit, have you seen Dr. Squiggy? I believe our plan to take over the hospital to research Bunny cloning may just work - as long as Dr. Squiggy doesn't get suspicious .. you know how to keep him "in the dark"....;)
*Peeking around the corner, eavesdropping on Spitit and Na...*

Now I can use this information to take over the corporation that created artificial testicles and robot ...
LastLegionary said:
*tries to suck Shadowfax's nipple*


*furiously twists Shadowfax's nipple because there is no milk*


Don't laugh. It's happened before.
*sees in sunglasses riding a motorcycle ala Arnold-the-Terminator*

*flees in terror, and takes comfort in luis who's still sitting next to me*

*calls upon the forces of ... the Navy SEALS bunny*
Help me bunny!!
*Comes home from tittie bar*

Wait a second. Where do I live again?

*Goes back to tittie bar*
ROFLMAO picturing HomeLAN getting his nip[ple sucked and twisted by Ted!
Dr. Squiggy is doing a liposuction on Brittney Spears - he may be a while. After, he is going to try to adjust her vocal chords so she can sing. He will then meet me in the Dr.'s lounge for a little groping... so you MUST go do some research while we are busy!

While he is in surgery.. I volunteer to assist in breastfeeding LL. Hopefully I won't lose him in there..... :D