An OTC Tragedy ...

*camera zooms in on two kids playing on the beach, the most dramatic music ever produced is playing in the background...the kids don't seem to notice it*

narrator: somewhere, along the coast of south florida, an object washes up on the beach...

*child screams*

narrator: It's the head of , the long lost twin of Shadowfax and father of Kuulani's child. If only we knew where the rest of his body was...

*the other child screams as a body drops from the sky*

narrator: coincidence? no! dramatic screen writing!
*Poking 's head with a stick* Even though he wasn't a friend, he wasn't an enemy, and he certainly didn't deserve to go like this...

*sad organ music*

*Picking up B's head while wearing rubber gloves*...Alas poor . I knew him well...He had a good head on his shoulders, anyway...

Something else Ku'u is probably responsible for...
*tearfaced Kuu enters*
*sees Gato holding the head of the father of my child*

What did you do?! How could you? I mean, his head is fine to look at, but its the rest of his body that counts ;)
looking at my daughter ku'u as she watches Gato holding the head of her child ...

Ku'u! How can this be? I thought ... I thought ... I thought his name was [O]???

headbang o, o, OOOOOOOO! banana

btw, na, 's not my child, he's the FATHER of my child ... big difference ;)
*gets dressed inhigh heels and a sundress*

Shadow dear..I need to speak with you a moment

*dramatic music*

I am sorry, I can not remain married to you any longer. We have had some good times but I must leave you for I have been having an affair and am now pregnant with fury's child....

*dramatic music plays as Nixy puts her wedding ring in Shadow's hand and leaves the room to find fury, the father of her unborn baby*
*rushes in to console shadow*
first, psycho and now fury ... is there no one you can trust?

*rushes to find some kind of surgeon to stitch 's head back to his body*
*feels Shadow brought it on himself always running off to Alaska with the Navy SEAL Bunnies Ballet*

I am a woman! I am needs! Needs that he woudln't meet but fury was MORE than willing!

*rubs her already expanding belly*
Where are the surgeons in this town? I need one for 's body. And it looks like Nix will need a doc soon too ... walks Nurse Spirit. Squeezed into a nurses uniform in a not so flattering way. Streaks of blush on her cheeks, blue eyeshadow from the 50's and hair teased a foot above her head. She smacks her gum...

Docta Squiggy will be here in a sec. S'matta, you gotta bun in the oven? That Squigg, ya gots ta watch him, ya know? He likes them cutesy girls.

checks nails to see if they still look good

You want I should stay while he checks ya out?

thrusts hip out and rests her hand on it looking bored
*rushes in frantically, with hair flying beautifully behind me*

Nurse Spirit, Nurse Spirit ... you've gotta help me find the doc.

*thrusts 's head in her hands*

Here's the head of the father of my child, you HAVE to sew it back on to his body ... I need his body ...
*decides is time to join the Tragedy*
*doesn't knows what to say so he just sits next to kuu* :D
mouth gaping open in sheer disgust.....

Oh my God!! It's my long lost brutha!!!

running to put the head on ice, boobs jiggling out of the uniform....Nurse Spirit trips!! The head goes flying into the air towards Ku'u....
Poor . I guess I'll have to haul his body to the surgeon. Nobody else seems to want the job.

Damn you Ku'u. First you kidnap Miki, then you decapitate , and leave me here to haul the body...and he's not exactly thin anymore, seeing how he's been in the water...