a13antichrist said:
Given the state you were in Jen you're hardly in any position to comment.
Andrew...as funny as it may seem to you, I think I have a perfectly justified position to defend myself against whatever might arise as a result of your shit-stirring.
If you weren't so determined to be argumentative about it, you would recognise that I am not so annoyed at what you
actually said about the insinuations arising from and your intentions behind that initial post.
And as far as my "state" is concerned... what makes you think you have any authority (or superiority? ) to comment on the matter either?
In case you hadn't noticed, we humans tend to drink this substance called alcohol, especially on the weekends, most especially on celebratory occasions, like at good friends birthday parties....and not surprisingly when the alcohol supplied is good and freely avaliable.
I am pretty confident you can't hold much claim to not have being in similar states on previous occasions...
What I said about the photos is perfectly accurate. Like it or not, you ended up in the arms of a 15-yr old (may have been 14, not sure on that one). Not talking, not playing twister.
Ah andrew, where did I say that what you said
wasn't accurate?
I don't know how familiar you are with the custom, but generally when two people want to display affection to one another, they generally hug. This tends to happen quite a lot, especially when one is drunk...
Now, what you may or may not have gotten up to after that point is (most likely even for yourself) pure conjecture and thus for the collective imagination to entertain themselves with.
The very fact that you decided to post with the intent of - as even you yourself admit - making fun of me at my expense...shows that I have every reason to point out to you that whatever is derived from that, especially in the directions that this thread was going, is not true.
Whether or not you choose to digest that is another matter, but I felt entitled to point out the truth, seeing as I...believe it or not, am in a commited relationship with someone and feel this whole thing is completely immature and pointless.
...now, hush.