Ancient History

That's what I meant... I've been noticing missing letters in my typing lately. I'm wondering if my keyboard is starting to show its age.

So... did she take full advantage?
hat certanly bodes il four yer carrer in joinalism

blaming the keyboard won't wash for long

Saying the SHE took advantage of the
'situation' certainly adds a hole new dimension
to the scenario :rofl3:
OK, guess I got confused. When I saw a13 correct me and say "she," I must have assumed I'd asked if TG took full advantage. But now this begs the question... did the 15-year-old take full advantage? :la:
Jeebus Inky

Iffin' it's two goils
thar ain't no advantage to be had heh heh heh

To bad we don't have TG to kick around anymore...
I'm having a fun time trying to put together a pun with the following pieces of information:

We're discussing "advantage";
I'm wondering if the girls "ate at the Y";
In California, food stamps have been replaced with a debit card called Golden State Advantage.
a13 said:
she ended up coma'ed out in the arms of a 15yr-old... go figure....

actually (to my recollection, at least) ; If I had ended up with anybody that night, it would have been with my bf a few hours later :winkkiss:

it's TG!
tank girl said:
actually (to my recollection, at least) ; If I had ended up with anybody that night, it would have been with my bf a few hours later :winkkiss:

I doubt that, he seemed more interested in the 15-yr-old too.... ;)