Ancient Manuscript Suggests Jesus Asked Judas to Betray Him

it'll be interesting to see the full, eventual reaction of rome. historically they've beaten the shit out of anything having to do with gnosticism because it represented a challenge to papal authority. i wonder what they'll do now that the church has been compromised by scandal and is decreasing in political relevance. (their current stand on the immigration issue seems to be an indicator of an effort to regain some relevance... meh....)
2minkey said:
i wonder what they'll do now that the church has been compromised by scandal America. Remember, this is a world wide church that is 2000 years old. America and the american catholic church is rather insignificant when compared to the whole.

2minkey said:
and is decreasing in political relevance.

The Church is interested in souls, not politics.
So...I'm a little confused here. I was brought up to know that Jesus asked Judas to betray him...or better put - Jesus told Judas that he would betray him.
rrfield said: America. Remember, this is a world wide church that is 2000 years old. America and the american catholic church is rather insignificant when compared to the whole.

The Church is interested in souls, not politics.

try telling that to the poles... soldarity and the role of the church in fighting communism?

the church used to be the most powerful political force on the planet.

it was big daddy for quite some time.

was the spanish inquisition anything other than an attempt to reassert political power?

what about "pray the rosary to end abortion?" that seems like political involvement to me.
rrfield said:
The Church is interested in souls, not politics.


I certainly hope your joking...

The Vatican has been and continues to the be the oldest consistent governing body in the history of the world plus it has had taxes and a standing army. It has a long history of interfering with other government's politics, creating laws, and declaring war. The catholic church IS politics!

It is far more concerned with saving tradition and ritual than souls
so they where written 200 years after the death of jesus!!!

just like all the other books of the new testament.

And Gnostism was a branch of christianity just like the roman catholic church, jsut the roman catholic church had better killers and wiped out all compitition.
Gnostic teachings have always intrigued me. It is far more dependant on self control, knowledge, and struggle then on sin, poenitentia, and ritual. Its zoroastrism based mystical concepts remind me of its distant Kabbalah cousin. Though the radical dualism and extreme ascetic lifestyle have always kept me at arms length.
paul_valaru said:
so they where written 200 years after the death of jesus!!!

just like all the other books of the new testament.

At least two of the four Gospels in the Bible were based off of eye witness accounts and were shortly written after Jesus' Ressurection.

paul_valaru said:
And Gnostism was a branch of christianity just like the roman catholic church,

Actually, the Roman Catholic Church is like a tree - it has its roots all the way back to the time of Christ with one of Christ's own Apostle's (Peter) being the very first pope. Most, if not, all other denominations are branches (or branches off of a branch of a branch) off of the Roman Catholic Church. I know many non-Catholic Christians would contend this, but this thread is not for debating this - I just thought I would comment on your statement.

Gnosticism has various beliefs depending on which book you follow.

paul_valaru said:
jsut the roman catholic church had better killers and wiped out all compitition.

Apparently, not all. :rolleyes:
Gotholic said:
At least two of the four Gospels in the Bible were based off of eye witness accounts and were shortly written after Jesus' Ressurection.

There is no proof that any of the books where written around the time of christs death, and "based off" usually means artistic liberties where taken.

Gotholic said:
Actually, the Roman Catholic Church is like a tree - it has its roots all the way back to the time of Christ with one of Christ's own Apostle's (Peter) being the very first pope. Most, if not, all other denominations were branches (or branches off of a branch of a branch) off of the Roman Catholic Church. I know many non-Catholic Christians would contend this, but this thread is not for debating this - I just thought I would comment on your statement.

Of course they would debate this, because it is wrong. Christianity started as an sect of Judism, many diffrent churchs sprang from it, if anything the Roman Catholic Church is a johnny come lately, Peter was not a Pope, he was the rock to build his church on, the Roman Catholic Church used that phrase to try to make it seem they where the only and correct church to beleive in. If anything the phrase meant he was supposed to spread the word.

Gotholic said:
Gnosticism has various beliefs depending on which book you follow.

Gnosticism is fairly straight forward, though no longer followed. It was repressed in the early years of the churchs, along with many many other sects.

Gotholic said:
Apparently, not all. :rolleyes:

Fine not all, though they sure did try wiping out all christian compitition (note: catholic = christian christian does not equal catholic) and all other religions too.
paul_valaru said:
Gnosticism is fairly straight forward, though no longer followed. It was repressed in the early years of the churchs, along with many many other sects.

Well this isn't exactly true....

It was the favored among the sects in the early churches. However, its influence waned when Rome declared Catholicism as the one true form of Christianity in an order by Emperor Constantine's Catholic mother St. Helena Augusta. It then later received a near death blow during the canonization process. This was done on purpose to unite Christians under one church with one official text. Soon after this many gnostic practitioners were hunted down as heretics. Many fled to caves and rural communities to escape the reach of the new Roman Catholic church. However, most did not make it and were burned to death, decapitated, or imprisoned for heresy.
tonksy said:
or better put - Jesus told Judas that he would betray him.

That is the way I read the Gospals, Jesus said Judus would betray Him and it was done for a bag of silver....
2minkey said:
try telling that to the poles... soldarity and the role of the church in fighting communism?

the church used to be the most powerful political force on the planet.

it was big daddy for quite some time.

was the spanish inquisition anything other than an attempt to reassert political power?

what about "pray the rosary to end abortion?" that seems like political involvement to me.

Well, one of the major tennants of Communism was that the State is God. Why wouldn't Rome be against that?

I'm not saying the Church wasn't a major political machine, but its focus has cnaged over the years, for the better. Praying to end abourtion? Not political, the church is against abortion, so of course they are going to ask its members to pray to stop it.
rrfield said:
Praying to end abourtion? Not political, the church is against abortion, so of course they are going to ask its members to pray to stop it.
That may be the most naive thing I have ever heard in my life.
rrfield said:
I'm not saying the Church wasn't a major political machine, but its focus has cnaged over the years, for the better.

Is this part of the Jesus WOW campain?

HomeLAN said:
Nah, but it's certainly in the top 5.
You're probably right. "They're the government, they must know what they're doing" is probably number one. :D
either a) im naive or b) you are a cynical bastard/pissed-off former catholic.

or a little of A and a lot of B.