...And Justice for all???


Southern Discomfort
from tonguetied.us

Officials at a school in Michigan are scrambling to contain the damage done by a student who distributed what were described as “racially innappropriate” fliers to fellow students, according to WJRT-TV.

The 17-year-old says he had been harassed for months by students who referred to him with such hateful and offensive terms as “hick” and “redneck,” but school officials refused to intervene or insist on sensitivity training for the entire student body.

So the student handed out a flier inviting his fellow students to attend a meeting at a local park to "take back the Creek" (sort of like Take Back the Night? – ed) and "keep outsiders away from our town and support our way of life."

The flier was described as an act of racial intimidation that carried an “inherent threat” of violence. A subsequent search of his pickup truck turned up a hunting knife and a box cutter the kid used at work, so he was permanently suspended and will not be allowed to graduate with his classmates.

School officials now tell the Flint Journal that race had nothing to do with it, but the expulsion stands.

"It was a poor choice of words, and on the surface, it sounded racist. It's easy to understand why it was interpreted that way," said superintendent Roy Pearson. "But after spending a very long time talking to this boy and listening to what he had to say in his own defense, we no longer believe this had anything to do with race."


Reverse racism at its finest. It's OK for a white student to be called offensive names, but God forbid it happen to any other kid. What bullshit.

Chalk up another freedom lost to Americans. Equality is a joke in this country. The only people whose rights matter are minorities or special interest groups. The common man ain't got a snowball's chance in a skillet. My very existence as a heterosexual right handed white male is a direct affront to more people every day. Spotted owls have more rights than I do.

We allowed this to happen. Silence equals complicity. Now look what we have. Yippee. While everybody was busy running around whining and bitching about how offended they were, our rights got usurped. Ain't the first time some of us have had it happen to us. We're still reeling from that one. Now, it's not regional. For the first time in her history, America truly has a crisis based solely on race. The other percieved one about 150 years ago was an economic issue. This ain't. This time it's gonna be in your back yards, not just contained to one little unimportant region of the country. Might be that this time, it's your town that gets sacked and pillaged and burned and erased. That won't sit too well I bet. It was OK when it was somewhere else. But this time...who knows?

On a brighter note, work on the hermit retreat is nearing completion...
Reverse racism at its finest. It's OK for a white student to be called offensive names, but God forbid it happen to any other kid. What bullshit.

double standards. same reason that whites cannot have their own group w/out it being "racist". And why celebrating heterosexuality is homophobic
freako104 said:
double standards. same reason that whites cannot have their own group w/out it being "racist". And why celebrating heterosexuality is homophobic

precisely, however, if anything is said, the person is not being "sensitive" to other's needs and concerns...or something is shot off about freedom of speech and everything is ok again.
The pendulum must swing an awful lot in the other direction before it can find equilibrium again.

Be happy that whites aren't being hung from nearby trees for looking at someone the wrong way, and men aren't being denied the vote. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

The pendulum is swinging a very short distance...relativly speaking.

Seriously...does anyone here not think that we shouldn't be paying for our forefathers actions? ...that all those previously oppressed or treated like crap would just accept a hand-shake and a 'sorry about that' in order to erase hundreds of years of racism, sexism etcisms.?
MrBishop said:
Seriously...does anyone here not think that we shouldn't be paying for our forefathers actions? ...that all those previously oppressed or treated like crap would just accept a hand-shake and a 'sorry about that' in order to erase hundreds of years of racism, sexism etcisms.?

The sins of the father visited upon the son, eh?


What about the sins of everybody else's father? Is someone gonna tell me that white males are the only ones who oppressed? That ain't gonna fly, fellers. I know better.
MrBishop said:
Seriously...does anyone here not think that we shouldn't be paying for our forefathers actions? ...that all those previously oppressed or treated like crap would just accept a hand-shake and a 'sorry about that' in order to erase hundreds of years of racism, sexism etcisms.?

I do, those who suffered racism, sexism during hundreds of years are DEAD now, no point in making innocent people pay for their ancestors' mistakes to those who didn't even suffered from it.

That's like me asking the US gvmnt for compensation because we lost Texas, California, Arizona, etc. And asking the spaniard gvmnt for compensation because we suffered for centuries their attrocities and slavery. And let's sue the french too now that I'm on it.
MrBishop said:
Seriously...does anyone here not think that we shouldn't be paying for our forefathers actions?

SouthernN'Proud said:
The sins of the father visited upon the son, eh?


What about the sins of everybody else's father? Is someone gonna tell me that white males are the only ones who oppressed? That ain't gonna fly, fellers. I know better.
Ok..find me an example of where a white population has been oppressed by a black minority. :shrug:

Good luck!
A.B.Normal said:
You think you "should" be paying :confused: or did I get confused by his double negative. :evilcool:

Double negative...I think no son is resposible for any sin of his father.
Gonz said:
Black majority and white minority in this case. Think Apartheid.

OK...lemme word it another way since the pendulum idea doesn't swing with y'all. *pun intended

You just had a forest fire. You've almost put it out. You spot a bit of smoke in a few spots. Do you turn your back or put out the spots until they're all gone.

You just had several hundred years of repression and slavery. You spot what looks like racism. D'you ignore it or snuff it out before it has the chance of getting bigger?
MrBishop said:
Ok..find me an example of where a white population has been oppressed by a black minority. :shrug:

Good luck!

I cant find any except in situations where whites cannot have their own school group/club deal. My post earlier was that if we can afford it to others, it would be equal to let us have ours.
MrBishop said:
You spot what looks like

Doesn't mean it is & looks like it to whom? I'll promise you, the bar where I place *isms is far higher than where you place the bar.

MrBishop said:
You just had several hundred years of repression and slavery.

Ended in 1863. It's 2005. That hardly qualifies as "just had". It' 5 generations before my birth. I wasn't involved. Nor was my father.
MrBishop said:
You just had several hundred years of repression and slavery. You spot what looks like racism. D'you ignore it or snuff it out before it has the chance of getting bigger?

I put it out. And I start doing that task at the source. Who wouldn't?

So I go to the source. There are two of them for the American slavery saga.

Scoundrel number one: The African tribal leaders who sold their conquered foes into slavery. No one seems to ever mention the fact that slaves brought to America were sold by blacks. Wonder why?

Scoundrel number two: The Yankee slave merchant who bought the slaves, placed them on sailing vessels bearing an American flag, and brought those who survived to New England to be sold nationwide for profit into a legal system of human servitude. Please also bear in mind that well over 90% of black Africans sold into slavery were sold in South America, not in the United States.

While we're at it, please also know that these Yankee slave merchants captured and sold native Americans as slaves. They considered these indiginous people "savages and barbarians" and made every effort to exterminate or at the very least relocate them away from their financial empires in Boston, New York, and Hartford. Further, these same slave merchants were known to capture white families in debt, separate them, and sell them as slaves in South America. The Yankee slave merchant was an equal opportunity bastard.

Anything else?
Looky what I found...


from the link said:
English White Slave History:

Old English law did have something of a White slave code, based on the
concept of "villeinage" from which we derive the words villain and villainy
with their new perjorative connotations. With the emergence of English Common Law (1175-1225), the aristocrats drafted the writ of novel disseisin to establish a category of juridical unfreedom known as villein tenure which
could defeat any English peasant's claim to land, no matter how long his
family had held it. Later the Bracton code ( from his treatise, De Legibus et
Consuetudinunibus Angliae...Sir Henry de Bracton) equated the English villein
with the Roman servus or slave, thus denying him all basic rights p 118

Villeinage was considered a hereditary condition: "Neither of Duke, earl or
lord by ancestry but of villain (vylayne) people" (Bradshaw, ST Werburge,
1513). "Thou art of vylayn blood on thy father's side" (Caxton, 1483).

In Britain and Europe under the laws of villeinage, survivors and descendants
of White slavery were susceptable to discrimination before the law and even
reenslavement. p 121

This stigma was based not only in law but in racial terms: "…the culture of
(medieval) slaveholders created an image of (White) slaves that set them
apart, their whole moral character tainted by the fact of enslavement if not
by slave ancestry." (Karras, pp 15-16) p 121

This taint, which the ruling class cleverly asserted was the result of some
hereditary defect among White slaves, has been applied to many nations of
White peoples form the Slavs to the Irish, Welsh and Scottish..p 121

The creation of an exculpatory nomenclature rigged to justify the
depredations of the ruling class against the White poor by establishing an
intrinsic relationship between being poor and being evil, is a masterstroke
of propaganda. It leads to the internalization of these negative images in
the minds of the White poor themselves. p 121
The auction block:

Another observer watching the auction of a hundred White slaves in
Williamsburg, Virginia, "I never seen such passels of poor wretches in my
life. Some almost naked " (Ekirch, pp100 and 122)...p 80