...and now the Cover Up



The Republican majority in the US Congress has rejected calls for a formal investigation into whether the government misread or inflated threats posed by Iraq before going to war.

...and in England

Blair will not appear before WMD inquiry

Matthew Tempest, political correspondent
Wednesday June 11, 2003

Neither the prime minister nor his communications chief will appear before the foreign affairs select committee inquiry into WMD, Tony Blair today told the Commons.
The explicit refusal, delivered at prime ministers questions, appears to confirm speculation that the committee's inquiry into the government's claims and dossiers on weapons of mass destruction ahead of the Iraq conflict will be effectively nobbled before it begins.

You can't expect the leaders of the free world to actually operate under the guise of truth? Sticky stuff, the truth...it exposes emotion, biases, frailties and fear of the unknown. Can't have that, eh?
MrBishop said:
You can't expect the leaders of the free world to actually operate under the guise of truth? Sticky stuff, the truth...it exposes emotion, biases, frailties and fear of the unknown. Can't have that, eh?

It also exposes corruption, ignorance, and downright illegal activities.
I always wonder why anyone is surprised. I'm personally shocked when a politician tells the truth.
Bush says he got information from the brits that Iraq has a nucular weapons program......Blair and Bush lied over and over. And the only difference is Blair isn't going to get away with it! Here Bush will buy his way out as he's always done in the past. and remember LIVES were lost in this act of aggression.
wasn't it the case that the cia failed to inform bush from the fact that iraq wasn't setting up a nuclear program?
bush said they had evidence that iraq bought uranium for it's supposed-to-be nuclear program, but the cia forgot to add that they knew for months already that that information was out-dated and not true.

basically bush was telling the truth on that point, or at least he thought he did. major screw-up of the intelligence agency though
Bush knew exactly what was going on. The head of the CIA was seated right behind Powell when the address was made to the UN. And it was all lies...
blix said that he was pretty pissed about the nuc allegation when he found out that it was forged. the cia invesigated it nearly 18months ago and the guy who wrote the report was so surprised to see it on tv he went to the cia to remind them it was forged info. they just told him that it was all under control.

i can handle the usual politician lies about how they will change everything yesterday and how marvellous they are but this stuff is different. this was a serious enterprise and we were told we would be convinced by the evidence. now we have some iffy information, some downright lies and a fair chunk of the brit dossier was plagarised from a 12 yo phd thesis. almost regardless of what is found now much of the deception appears to be disgraceful.
Yep, this is going to go down as one of the biggest "scandals" in presidential history, apparently. Bush would get nailed over it, and rightly so, if there were any promising Democratic candidates to run against him.

I'd be pleased if the Republicans actually supported a different candidate. Small chance of that happening though.