...and she's off!


New Member
The babygirl is crawling now and has started to pull herself up to stand. She's so big already *proud mommy moment* :D
:eek:God!!! it seems like just a few weeks ago you were telling us you were pregnant...now she's practically standing!
...course it doesn't seem like that long since Homie had Ted...and he should be starting college any minute now.:D
Sorta like a Soap Opera... one week they're born, the next, they're in college.

She is too cute!!!!
She's very cute :cool:, but you really need to do something about her pudgy arms.
Yup, she's a cutie, alright. Have you already put in the outlet covers, cabinet latches, refrigerator locks, toilet latches, etc.? If not, you're overdue.

Best way is to get on your hands and knees and tour the house looking for hazards. Nothing beats a baby's-eye view.
Can you give us a breakdown as to when the general cultural activities get introduced? Hula and the like... does that get started at 2 1/2-3?
She is adorable

*adds another reason to go to Hawaii to her list of reasons to go to Hawaii*
Squiggy said:
Looks just like me when I was Hawaiian....:D

greenie said:
There's nothing wrong with her pudgy arms!!

HomeLAN said:
Best way is to get on your hands and knees and tour the house looking for hazards. Nothing beats a baby's-eye view.
Yup. We put all the cleaning crap up high :D

unc said:
Can you give us a breakdown as to when the general cultural activities get introduced? Hula and the like... does that get started at 2 1/2-3?
For our family, formal hula training can start as young as 4 yrs old or so, as long as the kid has enough of an attention span to stay in a 30-min class. But before that, babies crawl around the floor in the adult class, they pick up a lot doing that.