Animated GIFs in Photoshop

how do you do it in ImageReady ?
its fior my avatar too. im doing something cool wiht the eye
i've never done one but a friend of mine who does used to use fireworks for his ani-gifs, using the movie-timeframe thingie like in flash
Im goi9gn to amke it go around in a circle
remember kiddies- look all 6 ways before crossign the street :D
Here is a zipped .psd ,I used for my av.Open it in Imageready and you can hopefully figure it out. Here is what it looks like opened in Imagready
Altron said:
ok im opening it
so i just replace the stuff with my pics?

well if you are going to do that ,the attached gif may be easier to understand.The quality will be much better using the original images ,rather than the "gif" format of your avatar that I used.

for some reason it didn't work as an attachment?
Altron said:
dude what is your email?
i have the images, cna i zip them and email to you?

go ahead , [email protected]
I'm goingto go to bed soon ,so it'll be 8-10 hrs before I get up get to work with them,so be patient.

BTW did you want the eyeball/pupil following the edge of the eye or crisscrossing like I have it?