annoying computer problem for the gurus

no, its not isolated to WMP. happens when i view flash and quicktime clips too.
To watch videos on this blog you will need RealPlayer installed on your computer
i'm wondering if it doesn't have something to do with the mobo/windows reinitializing the wrong video device as primary when the machine wakes back up. is this a problem that just started, has it always been this way, or did you just notice that it did it. i'm with cat too. i would check for updated bios and/or drivers.
its been doing this for some months now. it was annoying, then i got used to it, now its becoming annoying again.
if it is a driver issue, it could have been due to, something, somehow,
corrupting a file that's associated with the driver, from any number of things.

Even if you have the 'latest' drivers, you might re-install them just incase.

It could also be that something changes your settings in the bios your the
power saving, or acpi stuff. You might want to double check those settings.

edit to add:
XP is said to over-rider most bios settings, but I have seen it cause trouble
depending on the mobo.
Now that I remember, that happens on my laptop as well, but only when operating with the battery. Perhaps changing the power saving profile will solve the problem.

Start -> Control Panel -> Energy Options
well, i installed the latest update for directx and the problem hasnt happened again yet.
i hope that was the cause but if not, i'll try the other suggestions to see if that works.
thanks again guys.