Annual BBQ - unofficial OTC roundup

Bish, let me know the details, if I can swing it I'll pop in for a howzit.....will prolly be a tad difficult, depends on how I settle in in the UK.
Sounds like a lot more interest than I would've imagined:) Woohoo!!! soon as the date is set, I'll repost another thread (This one is likely to dissapear by then), and post addy, maps etc...and ph# for those wanting to make it :)

Gonz - I have a side deck, decent boots and a heavy coat. This year, i even have semi-transparent plastic covering 2/3 of the exposed sides, so I can cut the wind. The trick is to stay close to the BBQ itself, but not too close :)
HomeLAN said:
What're the requirements to attend?

*Starts to wonder if he can get the wife to let him go*


mouth and stomach

*edit* and capacity to drink beer, or at least watch me drink beer
Anybody driving through Missouri and want to fake a kidnapping?
PuterTutor said:
Anybody driving through Missouri and want to fake a kidnapping?

If I could make it, I could swing up that way and get you. But ... it'd have to be a pansy kidnapping - I'm not one for brute force. ;)
That'll work. I'll bring a club and clubya so as to make it look real. ;)

Paul - Northeast Oklahoma
Rose said:
If I could make it, I could swing up that way and get you. But ... it'd have to be a pansy kidnapping - I'm not one for brute force. ;)
see...i was thinking like some kinda military evolution...all dressed in black with night vision goggles....and lotsa toy guns :D
What the hell... I'll rent a big fat touring van with 6 captains chairs and a wet bar and slowly drive across the easternish coast picking up as many people as I can cram in there. You just have to be willing to split the driving and chip in a bit for gas.
tonks said:
see...i was thinking like some kinda military evolution...all dressed in black with night vision goggles....and lotsa toy guns :D

Oh yeah. Get me at night, I sleep in the nude. :swing: