My major point is, that given what a shithole Louisiana is as for corruption and racism, is it really that surprising that these folks were offended, and that others, upon hearing about how this guy doesn't approve of race mixing, are also now offended?
Hell half of you crying about why this should be such an issue were just recently so blinded by your hatred for Obama that you pulled kids (or supported pulling kids) from school so they didn't have to watch a simple NON POLITICAL motivational speech by the president. Granted if thing were as wild as alarmists told us about the supposed first draft of the speech, then sure, I could see the point, but if you actually read the speech and get all in a huff it says a lot about your and your blind hatred, much more than it says about what the kids would get out of it.
Obama asks kids to do well in school and what they can do for their president (and I am quite sure it was really meant this country who he is currently the leader of and that someone else will someday in 3-7 years lead) yet you had no problem with Kennedy's "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country! ", then you really need to re-assess why exactly Obama's speech is so offensive.
You also might just for a second, if you are capable of it, try and put yourself in another's shoes! I know most of you in these people's place would be whining and crying much louder!