Another day of lovely weather.


Too cute for words
So far today, there have been reports of three tornadoes in town, and it has been storming like mad. Man, I wish this stuff would stop. Been up since 2:30 AM this time.:retard:

Edit: I cn toi tyupwe!!!!!:retard:
This is too weird. I don't ever remember hearing reports of tornadoes hitting for days and days in a row.
They came through my town last night around 6:00pm. Sirens went off, we all went to the basement, sat down there for about an hour, then came back up and the power went out, power was out for almost an hour and a half, didn't do much damage in my town, but I saw lots of trees down, semi trailers turned over in parking lots, and a bunch of other damage on the way to work this morning.

Also, anyone else like to watch the storms come in? My wife thinks I'm nuts cause I'll stand out on the front porch and watch it roll in and only head to the basement when it starts looking like the shits hitting the fan.
Yeah, I like to watch the storms roll in too...but I gotta do it from inside the house so the lightning won't get me. :eek:
:rofl: Related to the Sump monster, isn't it?

Actually, the wife and I were out on the porch last night after the main storm had blown over and it was just raining a little, and all the sudden a lightning bolt shot down about a block away from us, !!!!CRACK!!!! She jumped, turned around, and ran into the house. :rofl:
You develop a healthy fear of lightning when you SEE it go sideways :eek13: I was working at a restaurant on the water when a sailboat mast got hit...the lightning came off the mast and went in one door and out another door right past me. It was bizarre.

...And I bet the sump moster does have some kinda deal going with the lightning. :D
Hang in there, chcr. It's coming our way, too.

I sat in my office yesterday while all the wimps huddled in the hallway, watching the thunderheads roll in through my windows. It was actually cool. Then I went home, to a flooded basement. :grumpy:
I've never been afraid of lightning myself, I mean, that one last night made me jump a little, but I didn't want to get away from it, rather I like watching it. When I was younger I saw it hit a tree that was about 200 yards away, split that thing right down the middle, wood chips and leaves flying everywhere, really pretty cool. When I finally build my dream house, one room is going to have a bunch of skylights or even a glass ceiling so I can sit in there and watch the storms go by.
Yeah, I'm watching radar, HomeLAN. I think you can count on your fair share.
:eek6: I'm going back to bed. If any of you find yourself in a place called Oz, watch out for the damned flying monkeys....
They do not. Bugs don't come out of sump pumps. I didn't even have a sump pump and I had bugs.
Maybe your bugs came from somebody elses sump pump...ever think of that??
* is just really really glad that there's no sump pump hole in her basement...the laundry would never get done! :eek5: