Another day of lovely weather.

A sump pump pumps water out of a basement, because as you've read here they have a bit of a tendency to flood.
Leslie said:
Q said:
And I bet the sump moster does have some kinda deal going with the lightning.

and that's where the spiders all come from :eek6:

Did someone say spiders?

I killed another one of these

a couple days ago. They seem to be everywhere now...

Water is standing 6" deep over a third of my lawn (2 acres). I don't have a basement, but it's in the crawl space under 1/3 of my house too. Not much I can do about it except hope it quits raining. :mad:
I feel for ya. You could surf in my side yard. The drainage system is clear, there's just too much water out there. I've got 14 inches on my pool cover, and it was pretty much dry 3 days ago.

BTW, Q and leslie, I keep the water off my pool cover with.... a SUMP PUMP!! :eek9:
Nah, it just sits unobtrusively on top of the cover.

In the first house I owned, though there was a hole pump in the basement. Nice, deep hole. At least 8 feet.
There's a brighter note; I had emptied my pool to paint it (it's concrete) and was nearly ready to fill it. It's almost half full now, and I haven't turned on the hose yet. Of course, I'll have to do major clean up, then snorkel down to put the drain grate on.
HomeLAN said:
In the first house I owned, though there was a hole pump in the basement. Nice, deep hole. At least 8 feet.
8 feet my ass...those things go straight to the gates of hell. They just tell you they're 8 feet cuz they know you can't see down that far...even with a flashlight, even with Duracels.
Just dangle one of those annoying 'yap-yap' dogs and drop it. If you hear the splash fairly soon, it's 8 feet. If not, then try another 'yap-yap' dog until you do hear a splash. :D
Q said:
:hmm: THAT is not funny.

It would be if you had one of those annoying dogs...not that I would, mind you.

To set the record straight...not all 'yap-yap' dogs are annoying. Some are quite friendly and lovable. Most of the ones I've had experience with, though, are annoying. Kind of like a dust-mop with a bad attitude. :D
My mother had a thing for Peekapoos, and the one she had was extremely playful. So much so, that, if you didn't play 'fetch' whenever he wanted, he'd nip at your toes. I also think he thought himself too quiet, as he would bark incessantly at the oddest times...Boots was his name.

[size=small]I left my tag open just for you, Q[/size]
Back on the topic of lovely weather, it was 110 F here the shade. :eek2:
Right now, it's just after 3:45 AM, and it's in the mid 90's. :eek:
You must warn me before posting pictures of spdiers. I have a slight case of arachanphobia (and I am man enough to admit it). Anything with eight legs gives me the heebie-jeebies *shiver* See I can't even think about.

I now officially hate sump pumps even though I have never used them before.
By the way, I feel the need to stray off a bit. Q, you seem to be a big dog fan. How many do you have, and what breeds are they?