Another day of lovely weather.

Ya Q, our poodle is a bit of a comfor freak. First of all, when he flops down to take a nap he basically crashes and you can hear it through most of the house. then he rolls around a little lies on his back, loses that position and gets on his stomach and lies with his back legs staright out the back so he is really long. He is a complete loon.

I forgot to ask Leslie, what kind of a dog is daisy?
She's a pure Border Collie :eek5:

and she 'is' BC in every way...even down to the attempted ankle biting :D
Leslie said:

she's settled some, she's suddenly become extremely obedient now that daddy is out of the picture...she's suddenly great to be around ALL the *fingers crossed* I hope that's not just a phase and she stays this way - she's getting cookie after cookie for being a good girl :D
Of course...she's the only dog in the house now :D
woodman19_99 said:
From personal experience, my greyhound got along great with our poodle (past away July 02:crying4: ). Being slightly biased, I would definitely have to push you to get a Greyhound gf. As long as you can take a little time to give it some excersise and TLC, that dog will love you for it.

Sorry man. :( Non pet people don't understand how devastating that can be, losing a companion like that.

Since Labs require a lot of exercise and are hugely affectionate dogs, you might be right about that mix. :)
Back to the original thread (OMG, is he allowed to do that?:D), tornado watch till 4PM, severe t-storm watch the rest of the day. Maybe they should just start telling us when there isn't one?:shrug:
They showed a house on GMA this morning that floated about 90' away from it's foundation...AND THE PEOPLE WERE IN THE HOUSE WHEN IT HAPPENED!! That would have to suck.

We have hurricane season approaching in 3 weeks, but tornadoes are pretty rare. I'm scareda tornadoes.
Yep. One more afternoon of this crap, and then it's supposed to clear out tomorrow.

With the last five years of drought, Atlantans have forgotten that this is a more typical Spring weather pattern around here.
PT and everyone else east of here, you might want to watch out....its hella soupy here, stuff will probably start brewing over us and move east. :)

I was listening to the ham radios over lunch, people are already planning to be activated here.
HomeLAN said:
With the last five years of drought, Atlantans have forgotten that this is a more typical Spring weather pattern around here.
Lake Lanier is above average on depth. GASP! That hasn't happend in ... well... long enough that its a forshadowing of the apocalypse.
Looks like an interesting weekend here...starting now

The National Weather Service in northern Indiana has issued a

* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Allen County in Indiana

* until 1100 PM EST

* at 956 PM EST... amateur radio weather spotters reported a severe thunderstorm with large hail 13 miles west of Fort Wayne... moving east at 30 mph.

* Some locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm are... Fort Wayne New Haven Grabill Monroeville Woodburn

Seek shelter inside a sturdy building away from windows. Severe storms can produce damaging winds and destructive hail.

This storm has a history of producing up to softball size hail just north of Columbia City. Seek shelter immediately!

A Tornado Watch remains in effect. Severe storms can produce tornadoes with little or no advanced warning. If you are in the path of this storm... seek shelter now!

Report severe weather to the nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service forecast office in northern Indiana.
Had another tornado last night, Touched down about eight miles from the house and moved away to the northeast. Whew!!! Pretty intense thunderstorm with it of course.
I dunno how you guys can live above ground out there. I'd have a cement house, with all the bedrooms below grade, or I'd never sleep a wink all summer.
Professur said:
I dunno how you guys can live above ground out there. I'd have a cement house, with all the bedrooms below grade, or I'd never sleep a wink all summer.
It's really gotten worse the last few years, Prof. No doubt some will blame global warming, but local history tells us it runs in cycles. Note that the worst tornado we've had since I lived here happened in January. BTW, it would be very expensive to build those below grade bedrooms and keep the water out.
Hmmm.... Anyone see a circular pattern in this picture??

We haven't seen the sun in about a week and the forecast for the next 10 days is either "mostly cloudy" or "showers". :grumpy: