Another day of lovely weather.

* avoids looking at Gato's "B"

I sure am, woody. I have 3.

Dudley is the sheepdog in my avatar. Scrappy, a schnoodle, and Chopper, a Toy Fox Terrorist.
Are any of them annoying yap-yap dogs (Scrappy and Chopper)..note..the part to be stressed is annoying... ;)

Go know you want to... :brow:
* is still not looking....beg away, soldier boy....I'm boycotting your "B"s

None of my dogs are even the least little bit annoying...ever.:p
Then I will apologize to Scrappy and Choppy, but not to the yap-yap dogs that are annoying, fair enough? :grinyes:
A reply on two different topics:

For starters, after posting my about my fear of spiders, I was lying in bed watching an episode of M*A*S*H. All of a sudden I feel this tickiling on my arm. I freeze and have a flash back to that Bond flick where he is in Jamaica (I Think) and that big deadly spider crawls up his entire body while he lies there. So anyway, I reach up and flick the light on and low and behold: there is a spider running accross the top of my sheets. Grab closest thing, let spider crawl on and WING, away it goes, magazine and all into the corner of my room.

Reply 2: So those three doogs keep you pretty busy huh Q? Schnoodle= Schnowzer+ Poodle?
We got a Standard Poodle Puppy back in October, and he is a moose now, built like a brick wall. We also have and Adopted Greyhound who is a big time wuss and couch potato.
I once found a spider of a kind I had never seen before in my apt. I looked at the markings on it's back and recalled something about a poisonous spider in NY so I freaked out and went looking for my Paramedic textbook. Couldn't find it. Called my ambulance corps, they couldn't find it in their book either. So I did the next best thing. I took out the phone book. And I smashed this thing with it as hard as I could. Then I threw the whole phone book away for good measure. :D

Turns out, my Paramedic book was under my bed-being used to hold up one leg of the frame. It wasn't the spider I was thinking of but boy do I hate spiders. :sick:
woodman19_99 said:
Reply 2: So those three doogs keep you pretty busy huh Q? Schnoodle= Schnowzer+ Poodle?
We got a Standard Poodle Puppy back in October, and he is a moose now, built like a brick wall. We also have and Adopted Greyhound who is a big time wuss and couch potato.
Yeah, the boys are pretty entertaining. :)
Standard poodles are very cool dogs. Extremely docile and cooperative....And I have the utmost respect for people who adopt retired Greyhounds. They are fabulous dogs. :headbang:
I can't understand why people don't adopt more greyhounds. They are the most docile animals I have ever known. Unfortunately, ours just had surgery to remove a growth on his foot. Fortunately it was benign, but he is pretty gimpish right now.

As for the poodle, he is a MANIAC! He is the biggest ball of energy and he requires two walks a day, plus some good runtime in our big backyard. Even after all that, he only needs ot rest til dad gets home and then he goes nuts again.
Poodle boy will calm down. You'll notice a change when he's about a year or 18 months old. It's kinda funny though when they act like little puppies even though they got a big ol body. :D

I live about 3 miles from a Greyhound track. I'm gonna get one next time I need a dog. I live in a small apt, so 3 is the limit for now.
Have you ever seen any of the pictures of what some people do and how they treat the racing greyhounds. I think that was teh first time I cried and almost threw up at the same time. I won't include any links, but if you want cry, go find some.
No way. I won't even watch their stupid commercials. I change the channel when one comes on. I HATE the dogtrack people.:mad:
When we're ready, we want to go to a Lab Rescue organization for a few puppies and an older dog that might not get adopted otherwise. We're also looking into Greyhound rescue also, to see if they would mix well with labs.
Greyhounds usually get along with other dogs very well and since Labs have such a mellow disposition, I think they would make a great combo.
From personal experience, my greyhound got along great with our poodle (past away July 02:crying4: ). Being slightly biased, I would definitely have to push you to get a Greyhound gf. As long as you can take a little time to give it some excersise and TLC, that dog will love you for it.
I'd really love to adopt a Greyhound...maybe in the next couple years when Daisy's settled down a little more :eh:
Ya, we had her for 12 years. She was going blind and deaf, and finally she had a seisure one night... must stop, don't want to cry at work.
Sorry Buddy.

I did a job Tuesday and the people had a Big Poodle. He was very funny. After he got bored watching me he decided it was naptime. He got up on the couch and arranged a bunch of pillows the way he wanted them. I had to keep going over to peek at what he was doing. One time he was on his side, kinda curled up, then he would be on his back....front legs sticking straight up in the air, then on the other side, legs extended against the back of the couch. He was cracking me up. This guy was going for maximum comfort. His name was Rocko.

Les, I don't think Daisy dogs ever settle down much....they are really high energy for their whole life. They're just overclocked doggies :D

she's settled some, she's suddenly become extremely obedient now that daddy is out of the picture...she's suddenly great to be around ALL the *fingers crossed* I hope that's not just a phase and she stays this way - she's getting cookie after cookie for being a good girl :D