another dumb things kids do...

I've actually found that Fire Sauce from Taco Bell works well for my kids. Not alot, just a drop on the tongue.
I guess times change. I never got my mouth washed out with soap, but I got my butt whipped a time or two. Once, I said shit in the fourth grade. I got spanked at school, then again at home. Now that seemed unfair. I should have gotten to say it again. I did not of course suggest this at the time. :D

Heck, I used to get spanked for not getting straight A's. I graduated third in my class.
My parents used to make us go outside and pick chili peppers off the bush and they'd rub it all over our tongue...the worst kind of punishment is having to get the darn thing yourself.
My parents were smart though...not only was our mouth burning but we'd instinctively rub our tear-filled eyes with our picking hand and then we've got burning eyes along with the burning mouth.
In Germany I went to a school run by a good catholic headmistress and when I was 8 I remember her marching some kid who had sworn at her to the bathroom and washing his mouth out with soap while warning the rest of us that the same would happen to us if we copied him.... I did'nt need to taste it to know not to swear after that!
chcr said:
I guess times change. I never got my mouth washed out with soap, but I got my butt whipped a time or two. Once, I said shit in the fourth grade. I got spanked at school, then again at home. Now that seemed unfair. I should have gotten to say it again. I did not of course suggest this at the time. :D

Heck, I used to get spanked for not getting straight A's. I graduated third in my class.

[singing]Meeeeeemorieeeeeesss..of the way things used to beeeeee[/singing]
Yep, mine's managed to go there too... Took a look at her little brother the other day and said, "you silly little bitch".

She's heard "you silly ass" before - it's in Peter Pan. She's probably heard bitch somewhere before too (she does have 13 older cousins). But it took some creativity to put them altogether.

Didn't go the soap route though. Or the spanking route either. So far the "there are words you can't use until you get as big as me" has worked pretty well.
I just had half my arm in the VCR digging an AA battery out of there...apparently someone figured VCR's take batteries :tardbang: word...Screwdriver. ;)

My odest daughter used to put pennies in the speaker grill on the TV. Drove me nuts with the buzzing til I discovered what it was... :nuts: Had to turn the TV screen-side down, and use a butterknife to turn the coins up so they'd slip through. Easier than opening up the back of the set.
the screwdriver was the next step...but the VCR is wedged in in such a way that I'd have had to dismantle the armoire that it's in just to get at it :eh:

ripping my arm open and risking electrocution was so much easier :D
15 minutes with a pair of tweezeers this weekend yielded 3 pennies out of my wife's car tape deck. I lost one other one down in the works somewhere, but it seems to play tapes fine.

riley just bit my tongue!!!!!!!!!

My mother was playing with my nephew Ryan (who is 3) and she said, "Ryan, that's a beautiful picture you made!" and he smiled and put his little hands on either side of her face and said, "Nanny those are beautiful strings you have!"

He was referring to the creases and wrinkles on my mother's face. :D