I guess what hits me most about this story is that in one instant your life can go from just hav'in a great time to sheer and utter tragedy. It reminds me of a story where a grandfather and grandson were using the uncle's new tractor to pull posts. The grandson was 14 and having a great time driving the tractor. Well, they hit a post that would not come out with the lift, so they backed the tractor up and chained it to the main wheel with the intent to pull it out as the grandson drove forward. Instead of the post coming out, the front end of the tractor came up and over killing the grandson who panicked and forgot to push in the clutch. One tiny oversite and your whole life is ruined. I can't imagine how I could live after something like that happened to my son. Dying doesn't scare me, but I am terrfied about living with something like that!!