another heartwrenching woman's issue

MrBishop said:
Regarding the topic at hand. War is hell! It's not a nice little excercise governed by rules.

Geneva Convention, LOAC...

MrBishop said:
Rape, pilliging and murder are part and parcel of war.
Really, now. I must've missed that part in my briefings.

MrBishop said:
Innocents die or worst during war. What bothers me is that this particular war went on for so long before it was stopped or even noticed.

Finally a knowledgable answer.

MrBishop said:
There are wars going on all the time...mostly ignored by the planet at large.
It isn't until the First World either takes notice or takes action that the war actually exists!

This war in the congo didn't start yesterday. There are an estimated 3 MILLION deaths!!!

3 MILLION DEATHS!!!! - and we're talking about rape and wether it's a women's issues only ?!?

Just in case you weren't reading the first two times.

3,000,000 people dead... in a war that nobody's talking about until now.

Actually, this war has been talked about before. I hear breifings on it all the time. The French even have a contingent of soldiers nearby. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it isn't noticed.
Gato_Solo said:
Geneva Convention, LOAC...

Actually, this war has been talked about before. I hear breifings on it all the time. The French even have a contingent of soldiers nearby. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it isn't noticed.

Not everyone signed the Geneva convention and damn certian that a lot don't follow it either. I don't see the Huttu or Tutsis (sp?) putting down their machetes and saying "Hmmm...maybe it's not such a good idea for me to be chopping the limbs off of these kids right now...might upset the Geneva convention" all that often.

Rape/pillage/plunder - yes, still parts of war. Lots of Vietnam babies walking around...sure as hell weren't all that many troops marrying Vietnamese women in the middle of the action.
Lots of villages burnt to the ground
Lots of national tresures stolen and never recovered....Hell, it's happening in Iraq now with lots of National tresures being looted from Museums and sold on the black market.

War isn't as organized or humane as you might think...or know of. I know that you were/are part of the military. You might even have taken part in a war or two for all I know, but I very much doubt that in your experience, you can tell me that the Geneva Convention did more than allow for the arrests and punishment of those who did the war attrocities listed AFTER the fact, but did anything during the fact to stop things.

Like a good plan, the Geneva Convention rarely survives first contact with the enemy.
Gato_Solo said:
Actually, this war has been talked about before. I hear breifings on it all the time. The French even have a contingent of soldiers nearby. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it isn't noticed.

How long has it been going on? It's certainly not all over the news like Iraq or even Afghanistan. I remember seeing the occasional news-blurp about it, but nothing big enough to warrant the huge loss of life. That is, consider how many people have died in this, I'm surprised that we aren't hearing about it weekly and that politicians aren't using it as a platform for International assistance for Peace.
:crying2: :disgust2: I just don't know what else to say - those men should be tortured horribly until they are dead....
MrBishop said:
How long has it been going on? It's certainly not all over the news like Iraq or even Afghanistan. I remember seeing the occasional news-blurp about it, but nothing big enough to warrant the huge loss of life. That is, consider how many people have died in this, I'm surprised that we aren't hearing about it weekly and that politicians aren't using it as a platform for International assistance for Peace.
I'm not suprised...just deeply, deeply disappointed in humanity...

again. :disgust2:
SexyBoo said:
:crying2: :disgust2: I just don't know what else to say - those men should be tortured horribly until they are dead....

you know this is the point where some do-gooder says that acting like them will not change anything, and they should just be imprisoned or executed, but torture makes us no better then them.......

But you know what, no way we can be as bad as them, and these people to feel every ounce of pain they inflicted, and then their mutilated corpses should be hung in plain view as a warning to others.

As for it won't change what happened, it won't but it will make our inner non PC sense of justice feel a bit more at ease.

a brutal response to a brutal crime, but it is warrented