another interesting visual...



let's see if anyone can effectively debunk this one (no superstition, please). data source seems to be legit.
The great Depression bottomed in 32?

Minks you could be right about this.

So tell me, when will WWIII start to pull us out of this one?
Still smoking that Hopium eh minx. I'm sure they used the very best statistics in the most accurate manner.
  • How about needing to create 125,000/mo in jobs to keep up with the influx of new workers into the pool.
  • A record 41 million on food stamps, how would that even be possible with such great numbers from the office of she Pelosi?
From what I see, its still getting worse. Gallup has their view on it too, 10.1%.


And this....

~30 million illegal immigrants?

For several years, Mexico has been solving their own unemployment problem by sending their jobless citizens to the United States. The result has been a low, steady rate of unemployment in Mexico since 2000. Of course, the unimpeded flow of cheap labor headed north, has had a disastrous effect on U.S. workers.

Here's a little better idea of what happens you let the left into congress.

Commodities, gold, ammo on the move, pucker up for inflation.

"President Obama and his left wing allies on Capitol Hill have spent trillions of taxpayer dollars with nothing to show for it but a mountain of crippling debt and chronic joblessness....After nearly two years of weak leadership and broken promises, the American people will go to the polls in less than a month and reject this Administration’s economic mismanagement."

Michael Steele
Fixing bayonets on November 2nd, confidence restored? it too late?
Private employers have added blah blah blah since balh blah date.

Fair enough.

How many have been removed from their positions in that same time period?

Saved or created job is an Obama wet dream & nothing more.
yep. just as i suspected. no comments of substance yet. maybe you should answer your own question gonz. do some lernin and some figurin fer once.
Ah, so you saying the Obama has been successful in his massive spending to create a few jobs. I don't think so. I think any growth you see is in despite of this administration.

From what I see: the administration has lost control of the economy and market forces are responding. Unfortunately, what I read is that we are headed for some real problems. -- Some people will always make money no matter how bad things get.

In a more complete view, whats going on is continued failure. But keep staring at that particular graph, tell yourself all is well in the land of unicorns.
Fine. Argue with these numbers from the same source.

With the exception of 2003, Bush kept the unemployment numbers in the 4 - 5% area.


Pay particular attention to the years 2000 through 2009.

The number of employed going up, and up, and up ... until 2008 and 2009.

Year......Number .. Percent
2000 .. 136,891 .. 64.4
2001 .. 136,933 .. 63.7
2002 .. 136,485 .. 62.7
2003 .. 137,736 .. 62.3
2004 .. 139,252 .. 62.3
2005 .. 141,730 .. 62.7
2006 .. 144,427 .. 63.1
2007 .. 146,047 .. 63.0
2008 .. 145,362 .. 62.2
2009 .. 139,877 .. 59.3

The number of unemployed remaining relatively steady until 2008 and 2009.

Year......Number .. Percent
2000 .. 5,692 ....... 4.0
2001 .. 6,801 ....... 4.7
2002 .. 8,378 ........5.8
2003 .. 8,774 ....... 6.0
2004 .. 8,149 ....... 5.5
2005 .. 7,591 ....... 5.1
2006 .. 7,001 ....... 4.6
2007 .. 7,078 ....... 4.6
2008 .. 8,924 . .... 5.8
2009 .. 14,265 .... 9.3
Ah, so you saying the Obama has been successful in his massive spending to create a few jobs. I don't think so. I think any growth you see is in despite of this administration.

From what I see: the administration has lost control of the economy and market forces are responding. Unfortunately, what I read is that we are headed for some real problems. -- Some people will always make money no matter how bad things get.

In a more complete view, whats going on is continued failure. But keep staring at that particular graph, tell yourself all is well in the land of unicorns.

first of all i didn't say that obama was successful in blah blah blah and this graph is certainly not making me feel all peachy about the economy.

reread my original post. now get your finger out of your butt.
Fine. Argue with these numbers from the same source.

With the exception of 2003, Bush kept the unemployment numbers in the 4 - 5% area.


Pay particular attention to the years 2000 through 2009.

The number of employed going up, and up, and up ... until 2008 and 2009.

Year......Number .. Percent
2000 .. 136,891 .. 64.4
2001 .. 136,933 .. 63.7
2002 .. 136,485 .. 62.7
2003 .. 137,736 .. 62.3
2004 .. 139,252 .. 62.3
2005 .. 141,730 .. 62.7
2006 .. 144,427 .. 63.1
2007 .. 146,047 .. 63.0
2008 .. 145,362 .. 62.2
2009 .. 139,877 .. 59.3

The number of unemployed remaining relatively steady until 2008 and 2009.

Year......Number .. Percent
2000 .. 5,692 ....... 4.0
2001 .. 6,801 ....... 4.7
2002 .. 8,378 ........5.8
2003 .. 8,774 ....... 6.0
2004 .. 8,149 ....... 5.5
2005 .. 7,591 ....... 5.1
2006 .. 7,001 ....... 4.6
2007 .. 7,078 ....... 4.6
2008 .. 8,924 . .... 5.8
2009 .. 14,265 .... 9.3

those numbers don't conflict with the graph, jim. i'm not "arguing" anything here. i asked for debunking of the graph i posted. so far this thread is full of fail.
We will also see what happens in January when the layoffs of all of the temporary employees start after Christmas.

Jobs Drop by 95,000 in September, Unemployment Rate Unchanged

Published October 08, 2010 |

In the government's last monthly economic report before voters head to the polls, the Department of Labor on Friday reported a 95,000 fewer jobs in September, and an unchanged unemployment rate of 9.6 percent.

Private companies added 64,000 new jobs in September but 159,000 government layoffs meant a net loss of U.S. jobs. It was the fourth straight month of net losses attributed to declining government payrolls and little hiring in the private sector.

A total of 77,000 temporary jobs for the decennial census were terminated last month, according to the Labor Department's monthly report released Friday. On top of that local governments cut 76,000 jobs in September, mostly in the education sector. State government job losses made up the rest.

The jobless rate has now topped 9.5 percent for 14 straight months, the longest stretch since the 1930s.

With the Nov. 2 vote looking more and more to become a referendum on the Obama administration's economic policies, the September jobless numbers don't bode well for Democrats who touted the $814 billion stimulus plan and other government-inspired initiatives to get the economy rolling.

Speaking at a brick-making company, President Obama said the public-sector layoffs would have been worse had it not been for federal aid to the states (BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA). He added that Republicans don't make sense in their opposition to federal aid because more "weakness in public sector employment is a drag on the private sector as well."

He also touted the Small Business Jobs Act, which he singed into law last month.

"Within the 11 days since it took effect, more than 2,000 small-business owners have already received more than a billion dollars worth of new loans, with more to come," Obama said. (I believe that the average is $500,000 for each small business in ELEVEN DAYS? Doesn't sound plausible to me. Government has never moved at that speed in its entire history.)

"Just imagine the difference it could have made for small businesses in our economy had it happened months before," he added, focusing on Republican opposition to the new law.

Obama's chief economic adviser Austan Goolsbee also said that the administration remains focused on encouraging robust growth.

Yeah. See HERE and HERE for Obama's idea of "encouraging robust growth".

"Given the volatility in the monthly employment and unemployment data, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report," he wrote on a White House blog.

Goolsbee told Fox Business Network that the administration had a much tougher slog to pull the country out of recession.

"You've got to start at the bottom and work your way out," he said. "In this case, the recession the president comes into office in the middle of, (We haven't hit the middle yet.) is worse than the 1980s recession, the 1990s recession, and the 2000s recession combined." (Bullshit!!!)

But Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele issued a statement saying the unemployment rate should allow voters to issue a "final verdict" on the administration's economic policies.

"President Obama and his left wing allies on Capitol Hill have spent trillions of taxpayer dollars with nothing to show for it but a mountain of crippling debt and chronic joblessness," Steele said. "After nearly two years of weak leadership and broken promises, the American people will go to the polls in less than a month and reject this Administration’s economic mismanagement."

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, added that the report demonstrates the need to enact the Republican "Pledge to America," which aims to restore jobs and cut spending.

"Republicans' blueprint for job creation starts with stopping all of the looming tax hikes and ending Washington's out-of-control spending spree. Make no mistake, our economy will ultimately recover, but it will do so because of the hard work and entrepreneurship of the American people, not more of the same wasteful Washington spending and job-killing tax hikes and mandates," Boehner said in a statement.

Nearly 14.8 million people were unemployed last month. That's almost 100,000 fewer than in August.

Analysts had predicted about 75,000 private sector jobs and a slight uptick in the unemployment rate.

Gallup issued a survey on Thursday that found unemployment, not seasonally adjusted, actually rose to about 10.1 percent in September, marked by a steep rise in the second half of the month that would likely not be measured in the government's unemployment report on Friday.

Gallup noted that part-time employment was down and underemployment remains persistent.

Weak job growth will likely force the Federal Reserve to take additional steps to boost the economy next month by buying government debt to try to lower interest rates and spur more borrowing. The Fed has already bought $1.7 trillion worth of mortgage-related and government bonds. That plan, however, could be hindered by calls for freezes on foreclosures that have sent the mortgage market spiraling.

While the Congressional Budget Office announced Thursday that the fiscal year 2010 deficit was $125 billion less than it had projected, at $1.3 trillion, and the National Bureau of Economic Research announced the recession had ended in June 2009, revised data released Friday also showed a troubling trend.

Payrolls in July and August was revised lower by 15,000. Overall, employment in the 12 months to March had been overstated by 366,000.

Hourly wages and hours worked remained unchanged.

Since the recession ended in June 2009, the economy has grown 3 percent, according to economists at Deutsche Bank. That's less than half the average 6.5 percent pace in postwar recoveries.
first of all i didn't say that obama was successful in blah blah blah and this graph is certainly not making me feel all peachy about the economy.

reread my original post. now get your finger out of your butt.
*POP* fingers out of butt...

It been a little too confoosing for little ol' me to understand all the changes the Obama administration have made in the counting methodology used to obtain your data. You see the DLS is one of those areas under his hood where the obamanation took a proactive role in making change to better fit the needs of the people.

About the only growth industry I know of is real estate related.
  • Loan modification.
  • Lock-outs.
  • Foreclosure processing.
Oil work has been holding here, where we drill on land. Most everything else I know of shrinking or closing. Some places here have 40% unemployment.

See, with 125,000 new workers each month, you need to exceed that number to actually have growth. Was it 8.6% unemployment we weren't going to go above if we spent $780 billion?
  • Jobs loss.
  • Debt.
  • Inflation.
  • Higher taxes.
Sorry I don't have a link to common sense. How are those blinders working out for you?
Jobs Drop by 95,000 in September, Unemployment Rate Unchanged

Published October 08, 2010 |

What a coincident

Obama report: 95,000 jobs to come each month

Published 2/11/2010 | AP/MSNBC

The United States is likely to add an average of 95,900 more jobs each month this year, while personal savings will remain high as credit remains tight, according to a White House report released Thursday.

With the public souring on Obama's handling of the economy, the White House's Council of Economic Advisers' report trumpeted the $787 billion economic stimulus package as creating or saving some 2 million jobs.
Whose numbers were this +400 page report based on?

+/- 95,000/mo, it's an interchangeable number right?
you two took the bait hook line and sinker

everyone knows the economy is still spiraling down the shitter

and no amount of lies or obfuscation can cover up that fact

the real question is, when the Republicans get the reins will:

A: They do the hard things needed to turn this around and

B: Will the electorate punish them for it.

Hah of course they won't but they will take it up the ass
in 2014 anyway.

The repeal of Obamacare is more important than anyone can fathom.
I dunno how to do lernin'. I just know how to follow the numbers as they come out & not a single one has shown improvement in the employment situation.