Another one bites the dust

I would be too!

If I didn't think it was 50 years in the future
I'd say a massive research project into the
realization of electric power generation from fusion.

If we could have virtually unlimited cheap electricity
and perfect electric vehicles sharif and his goat fuckin' cousins
could go back to living in tents.
we could have great things again if.....

if regulations were cut.
Tort reform were in place.
Unions and people in general didn't have to have enough money to retire in just one year.
And ...
the goverment wouldn't pay 10 grand for a toilet seat.
we could have great things again if.....

if regulations were cut.
Tort reform were in place.
Unions and people in general didn't have to have enough money to retire in just one year.
And ...
the goverment wouldn't pay 10 grand for a toilet seat.

wow, you've named things that are just ideological distractions.

yeah, it's all the oppressive government, lawyers and greedy plaintiffs, unions, and, well, bullshit. (sorry pal but that toilet was for an antisubmarine aircraft - they don't make too many of those and parts are going to be virtual one-offs. that means they are very expensive.)

what a bunch of lame excuses. kinda reminds of some chicks i've gone hiking with that kept blaming their boots when they couldn't keep up.
I would be too!

If I didn't think it was 50 years in the future
I'd say a massive research project into the
realization of electric power generation from fusion.

If we could have virtually unlimited cheap electricity
and perfect electric vehicles sharif and his goat fuckin' cousins
could go back to living in tents.

yes i jizzed myself at the mere mention of full nuke glory.
Government is the only solution to our problems

Anyone that passed high school physics would too.
wow, you've named things that are just ideological distractions.

yeah, it's all the oppressive government, lawyers and greedy plaintiffs, unions, and, well, bullshit. (sorry pal but that toilet was for an antisubmarine aircraft - they don't make too many of those and parts are going to be virtual one-offs. that means they are very expensive.)

what a bunch of lame excuses. kinda reminds of some chicks i've gone hiking with that kept blaming their boots when they couldn't keep up.

If that's what you think, I must have hit the nail on the head.:beardbng:
yeah winky there's a great argument for homeschooling.

i wonder how many of thems homeschooling dummiez could could teach physics?


golly they could send 'em down the road to dicks like me for advanced topics, but, then, we'd turn them into little commie fags... oh right that's why they homecripple to begin with.
I guess I should have said Prep School
if the firms helped by obupkis + pals have not been failing at a rate that exceeds the typical rate of failure in that industry sector, then your critique is unfounded.

What is the failure rate of that industry? How many are failing after getting a half billion dollar loan guarantee? How many are failing after getting a $24 million federal stimulus grant and a $43 million federal loan guarantee?

I can name two.

i would expect that this kind of speculative bullshit is EXACTLY what private capital gets shy about because it is risky; however the much greater risk is in NOT pursuing any and all viable alternatives to sharif's black gold and continuing to have to put up with his and his cousins' shit.

Just how "speculative" can one-half billion dollar, twenty-four million dollar, and forty-three million dollar stimulus grant and loan guarantees be?

listing one-off successes and failures does nothing to establish larger and ACTUALLY MEANINGFUL patterns.

So far, one-off successes getting government stimulus grants and loan guarantees = zero.

One-off failures getting government stimulus grants and loan guarantees = two.

Wouldn't that be two-off? :finger:
Their dream company came crashing down around them even though they knew in advance that Solyndra was in trouble.


Solyndra Emails Claim Biden Team 'About Had an Orgasm' About Energy Loans to Firm

By Chad Pergram

Published November 09, 2011 |

A series of emails provided to the House Energy and Commerce Committee from individuals tied to Solyndra offer striking characterizations about running strategy with the White House to secure assistance for the now-bankrupt solar energy firm.

Emails among George Kaiser, head of the George Kaiser Family Foundation; Ken Levit, the executive director of the Foundation; and Steve Mitchell, who manages Argonaut Private Equity and was a member of Solyndra's board; show that Vice President Joe Biden's office were very gung-ho.

"They about had an orgasm in Biden's office when we mentioned Solyndra," reads a Feb. 27, 2010, email from Levit to Mitchell. A follow-up email from Mitchell to Levit later that day responds with: "That's awesome! Get us a (Department of Energy) loan."

According to exchanges obtained by Fox News, in an email from Mitchell to Kaiser on March 5, 2010, Mitchell writes that "it appears things are headed in the right direction and (Energy Secretary Steven) Chu is apparently staying involved in Solyndra's application and continues to talk up the company as a success story."

In a Feb. 27, 2010, message from Levit to a party whose name has been redacted, Levit writes that there was a meeting with a group of people in "Biden's office -- they seemed to love our Brady Project -- also all big fans of Solyndra."

In an email from Mitchell to Kaiser on March 5, 2010, Mitchell writes that "it appears things are headed in the right direction and Chu is apparently staying involved in Solyndra's application and continues to talk up the company as a success story."

White House spokesman Eric Schultz said the document dump from the House Energy and Commerce Committee offers only "cherry-picked" emails.

"Even the documents cherry-picked by House Republicans today affirm what we have said all along: this loan was a decision made on the merits at the Department of Energy. Nothing in the 85,000 pages of documents produced thus far by the administration or in these four indicate any favoritism to political supporters. We wish that House Republicans were as zealous about creating jobs as they were about this oversight investigation," he said.

Solyndra received a half billion dollars in loans from the Department of Energy even as questions were raised over whether the California-based firm would stay afloat. The company filed for bankruptcy in September just weeks after the administration weighed a bailout.

One email from Kaiser to Mitchell and Levit on Oct. 6, 2010, reads: "We can possibly reinforce the effort so long as it is in the form of 'I thought you should know, in case it comes up' rather than 'can you help with this.'"

In another communique dated Oct. 6, 2010, Kaiser tells Mitchell and Levit that he is "concerned that DOE/Chu would resent the intervention and your problem could get more difficult. I would see an appeal as only as last resort an, even then, questionable. We need to discuss."

In an email between Mitchell and Kaiser, Mitchell notes that the White House has "started a policy discussion as to whether a company should be able to get a second loan."

House Republicans received the emails after subpoenaing the White House last week. Lawmakers say they want to know how much influence the White House put on the Energy Department to approve the loans. The administration denies anyone tried to influence the decision.

Writing to White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler regarding the panel's recent subpoenas, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., suggested seeming inconsistencies in White House responses.

"The White House has repeatedly stated that no political influence was brought to bear with regard to Solyndra, and that Mr. George Kaiser, a Solyndra investor and Obama fundraiser, never discussed Solyndra during any of his 17 visits to the White House. Documents recently obtained by the committee directly contradict those statements," they wrote.

A well-placed source told Fox News that Kaiser was interviewed by investigators for the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday. GKFF spokeswoman Renzi Stone on Wednesday told Fox News that Kaiser never was directly involved in the deal.

"To reaffirm our previous public statements, George Kaiser had no discussions with the government regarding the loan to Solyndra," she said in a statement.
What is the failure rate of that industry? How many are failing after getting a half billion dollar loan guarantee? How many are failing after getting a $24 million federal stimulus grant and a $43 million federal loan guarantee?

you tell me, jackass. the burden of proof is on you. if you don't understand why two examples means next to nothing, then... let's see if there's something positive i can say... you've earned your station in life as wal-mart cashier...?

I can name two.

yes. two. how many business startups do we see in the US every years? how many in the energy sector? how many businesses per year get some kind of federal backing? if two buck-toothed whores in tuscaloosa got matching "pay as you enter" tattoos, would you declare a major paradigmatic shift in slutty body art?

Just how "speculative" can one-half billion dollar, twenty-four million dollar, and forty-three million dollar stimulus grant and loan guarantees be?

just because you can parrot back "speculative" - among other things - doesn't mean that you know what it means. maybe you should learn a little something about venture capital and investment. people put up shitloads of money every day. i understand that you're a million miles from that kind of thing, and that you have no understanding of finance... maybe for a change you should shut up. you've addressed every one of my points with ignorant shit. and i don;t mean that positionally. your just plain, obviously, and objectively fucking ignorant. let it go dude. posting drivel part 17 is not going to make post #1 any less stupid.
and if that point were relevant in the context i used VC, then... you would have a point... don't pull that shit, you're only gonna confuse jim more.
I know quite a bit more than you think I do. I also know quite a bit more than you. Live with it.

Ad homs and bullshit will not make you correct. You will still be wrong; but you will have proven yourself an ass as well.
really jim? which of my points are you able to effectively take on? not one yet... you still think two examples forms a grand pattern. good luck digging yourself out of the little miss can't be wrong dirtpile you've taken up residence in.