Well-Known Member
L. Summerton
So you envision women walking about on a permanent basis with their hand on their weapon in their purse/ pocket or a clip or whatever you want whenever outdoors? Or whenever indoors for that matter? That would be lovely sleeping with a gun taped to my hand in case of home invasion or break-in when my kids crawl into bed. Or having my hand on my gun while walking to the corner store, great. Maybe I could get one permanently attached to my hand, then I'd always be safe. [/quote]Yhis is the typical, emotion based, wildly exaggerated, hyperbole that we in the pro-firearms faction have come to expect from the Liberal anti-firearms faction. Nothing based on fact. Nothing based on cognizant thought. Just wild exaggerations taken to the farthest extremes possible.
When will you be bringing up the "So should everyone be allowed to have a nuclear weapon?" argument?
Or how about "Should we send our Kindergarteners to school armed to the teeth?"
In answer to your specious interrogatories and condescending speculations: No, No, No, No, and No in that order.
Note that I said that one should be prepared when one is in known hostile territory. One should also be eternally vigilant of their surroundings regardless of how safe it may seem.
So you envision women walking about on a permanent basis with their hand on their weapon in their purse/ pocket or a clip or whatever you want whenever outdoors? Or whenever indoors for that matter? That would be lovely sleeping with a gun taped to my hand in case of home invasion or break-in when my kids crawl into bed. Or having my hand on my gun while walking to the corner store, great. Maybe I could get one permanently attached to my hand, then I'd always be safe. [/quote]Yhis is the typical, emotion based, wildly exaggerated, hyperbole that we in the pro-firearms faction have come to expect from the Liberal anti-firearms faction. Nothing based on fact. Nothing based on cognizant thought. Just wild exaggerations taken to the farthest extremes possible.
When will you be bringing up the "So should everyone be allowed to have a nuclear weapon?" argument?
Or how about "Should we send our Kindergarteners to school armed to the teeth?"
In answer to your specious interrogatories and condescending speculations: No, No, No, No, and No in that order.
Note that I said that one should be prepared when one is in known hostile territory. One should also be eternally vigilant of their surroundings regardless of how safe it may seem.