sam_fisher said:what do you base this on? do you know? are you basing this on the fact you once were a foetus?
it could have been me, you or anybody here.....and yes i have something else up my sleeve..its acually between both my sleeves...its called a heart.
Many physicians and researchers into fetal development, who are not pro-choice, believe that synaptic connections within the fetus' brain are necessary to perceive pain. These are not formed until well into the third trimester, when fewer than 1% of all pregnancy terminations are done.
The issue of fetal pain was addressed by a working group appointed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the United Kingdom. The panel consisted of experts in fetal development, law and bioethics. Dr. Anne McLaren headed the group. She commented: "Fetal awareness of pain is a very emotive topic, of particular concern to pregnant women, but we have tried to approach it without preconceptions, to examine the scientific evidence dispassionately, and to identify areas where further research is urgently needed.'' 1
The group determined that pain can only be felt by a fetus after nerve connections became established between two parts of its brain: the cortex and the thalamus. This happens about 26 weeks from conception. Professor Maria Fitzgerald of University College London, author of the working group's report, says that "little sensory input" reaches the brain of the developing fetus before 26 weeks. "Therefore reactions to noxious stimuli cannot be interpreted as feeling or perceiving pain."
AlphaTroll said:What would you base the potential of a foetus on?
Professur said:That's the real question, isn't it.
AlphaTroll said:Dude, it's a foetus. It has no concept of pain, life, or anything at all. If it doesn't know it has a life - how can it plead for it?
All your arguments seem to be founded in emotion and playing the 'imagine this was you' anything else up yer sleeve?
AlphaTroll said:LOLway to relieve the tension Sam! Kuddos for that
freako104 said:a foetus is a living thing isnt it? thats the argument I have heard from many pro-lifers. I am for choice as I said btu Id rather adoption be thought of first before abortion. abortion should be the last thought.
sam_fisher said:tension sucks...![]()
sam_fisher said:peace all...sorry i'm stubborn, but everybody has they're own beliefs....
and Rose, you're dead sexy![]()
freako104 said:a foetus is a living thing isnt it? thats the argument I have heard from many pro-lifers. I am for choice as I said btu Id rather adoption be thought of first before abortion. abortion should be the last thought.
paul_valaru said:hey I'm pro choice, I always think the adoption choice is better
from personal experience
freako104 said:i feel the same way. I thought i made it clear?
freako104 said:(unless she uses it for birth control)