Any Day Now


New Member
Well, the hospital bag is packed (with a few last minute exceptions), the crib is set up and we are playing the waiting game. Effacement has started but no dialating as of Weds afternoon.

Anyday now. I should have some pics of Athena after she is born that I can post as Erik's sister is attached to her digital camera 24/7.

I will be sure to post!
Have you gotten that sudden burst of energy yet? If so, want to come clean up my apartment for me? :D
Inkara1 said:
Have you gotten that sudden burst of energy yet? If so, want to come clean up my apartment for me? :D

She went through the domestic thing a little while ago if I remember correctly...I believe she posted about it...
PrincessLissa said:
Well, the hospital bag is packed (with a few last minute exceptions), the crib is set up and we are playing the waiting game. Effacement has started but no dialating as of Weds afternoon.

Anyday now. I should have some pics of Athena after she is born that I can post as Erik's sister is attached to her digital camera 24/7.

I will be sure to post!

Good luck!
the waiting is the worst! i hope it comes soon for you. labor is easier the second time around but don't be surprised if you are more sore afterwards than you were last time. good luck and PUSH!
Oh bullcrap, you just told us you were pregnant last week. Wasn't it? Fuck I'm old.
We don't do that whole effaced and dilated stuff up here pre-labour. At least my doctors didn't. I think I like it this way. I think it's gotta be easier to wait not knowing all that stuff...just going with "if you end up 2 weeks late we'll handle it".
Well, I think we should hurry and start a " weighing in pool"!!! :D

Good Luck Sweetie-and MOST important.......Dont forget to BREATHE
Mare said:
......Dont forget to BREATHE
And call that man of yours a no good pile of steaming batshit. Swear to never have sex again, yada yada yada....
Oh and sweetie, don't let them tell you putting cabbage leaves on your boobies will help with swelling.......
Mare said:
Oh and sweetie, don't let them tell you putting cabbage leaves on your boobies will help with swelling.......
:hmm: There goes my cabbage leaf boobie business. Thanks.
Mare said:
Oh and sweetie, don't let them tell you putting cabbage leaves on your boobies will help with swelling.......
my hand to god, it works! i promise. the key is is that the cabbage has to be frozen. it's the warmth of you breast that thaws the leaf and then and only then does the cabbage release whatever ooze it is that works. i breastfed all my children, the last for almost 2 years. cabbage leaves were the only thing i found that worked.
tonksy said:
my hand to god, it works! i promise. the key is is that the cabbage has to be frozen. it's the warmth of you breast that thaws the leaf and then and only then does the cabbage release whatever ooze it is that works. i breastfed all my children, the last for almost 2 years. cabbage leaves were the only thing i found that worked.

I just thought it was so odd that a nurse was telling me to put cabbage leaves on my boobs for swelling.....I wanted to say yeah...then i don't have to worry about cooking it for stuffed cabbage... :lol2:
with Matthew I never even got any milk, so I couldnt breast feed if i wanted? go figure that...

I just did the old fashion method and had Mom bound me with a towel and saftey pin....but when she took the towel off...OMG, they filled up and burned so bad, I wanted to die......and whatever you do-DON'T Let Hot Water hit them.... :crying4: