Any DNS/BIND peoples out there?


Well-Known Member
I'm setting up a hosting situation (and learning bind in the process). I've got everything up and running, but there are a few quirks. works, but not Is there a specific record to fix this? I tried CNAMEs for "."s but that doesn't work. Here is my forward zone for the domain:

; forward zone records for
; created 1-27-04
; modified 1-30-04

$TTL    86400
@       IN      SOA (
                        15      ; serial
                        8H      ; refresh, seconds
                        2H      ; retry, seconds
                        1W      ; expire, seconds
                        1D )    ; minimum, seconds

                IN      NS
                IN      NS     IN      MX  10

cecil           86400   A
ns              86400   A

marvin          86400   A

www             86400   CNAME

ftp             86400   A

mail            86400   A
i muddle my way through bind, so i'm by no means knowlegeable. but i think there is a way to add a wildcard entry to point at marvin. but that could just be coming out of my ass too.
tommyj27 said:
i muddle my way through bind, so i'm by no means knowlegeable. but i think there is a way to add a wildcard entry to point at marvin. but that could just be coming out of my ass too.
Yeah, there has to in point: verisign ;)

I'll see what a wildcard is in bind......(should've thought of this before) :D
i would edit that zone to decrease the TTL to 14400 max if not 600 seconds. Also, the setting you are looking for is not in bind, it's in the httpd.conf file for the server. Check the serveralias line for that domain.

She can summon...I was naughty and actually went and personally requested his presence.

Steve, I don't think Mirlyn's been back yet...he's not one of the every hour posters :)
insiderhosting said:
i would edit that zone to decrease the TTL to 14400 max if not 600 seconds. Also, the setting you are looking for is not in bind, it's in the httpd.conf file for the server. Check the serveralias line for that domain.


Awesome....I got it working. :headbang:

I added a CNAME to the domain and fixed apache as you said and it works like a charm. :thumbup: Will go back and change the those get transfered with the request? Could this have to do with client machines that are having trouble getting to the sites (probably seeing a high TTL and caching as such)?

Thanks ya!
Professur said:
Yeah. He actually does work when he's supposed to be here.
Well.......I wouldn't go that far......;) But I'll stop before the evil work finds my idle time here. :D They're quite good at fixing my idle time. :mad: ;)
Mirlyn said:
They're quite good at fixing my idle time. :mad: ;)
if you had more books, binders, stacks, and half assembled computers on your desk they'd probably never bother you again. ;)
tommyj27 said:
if you had more books, binders, stacks, and half assembled computers on your desk they'd probably never bother you again. ;)
But I've got two rooms of that....all I have on my desk is papers and CDs. I've already got four monitors and only two computers in my office (and the two are on a KVM). Bastards. They're always one step ahead of me. :hmm: