any other news?


New Member
so is there anything going on in the world aside from the whole iraq deal?

someone postulated the other day that one good reason for all the drum-beating over war was to keep a nice steady flow of headlines so that everyone forgot about how crap other things, like the economy, are going...

is there *anything* else going on??


New Member
my cars exhaust fell off on the m4. as far as i was concerned it should have topped the local news, i was pretty narked off at the time ;)


New Member
I think I'd look rather good with some grey. My hair is already an 8 color medley. At least a little temple peppering would go a ways in counteracting my babyface look.


New Member
yah, temple peppering is good...

my dad seems to have managed to not get any grey hairs yet, which i always thought was a good sign for me, but then someone said you get the hairloss of your maternal grandfather - in which case i best start breaking out the grecian 2000 tomorrow


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Shit, I've got that temple peppering, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. :disgust2: