Any royalty in your family? Or people of importance?


I'm a direct decendant of the Duke of Berry through my father, and his father, and his father, .... lol. Thats about how close I get to royalty. :headbang:

(yeah I'm bored, its Sunday night...)
hm, where the hell is Berry??! I must see it for myself! It is somewhere in France though. That is all I know.
My dad's father was the foremost bootlegger in St Clair Co., AL. He was well known to local law enforcement officials, and provided the local clergy with a great deal of material for their sermons.
If I remember right, someone on my mom's side of the family was the stand-in double for Mae West.
My ancestors were possible royalties from Germany...they had "von" in their name..
We never really cared so we haven't sought it out any further. Plus it was damned expensive to do so.
My grandpa has done a LOT of geaneaology. On my maternal side, I'm a descendent of Sir Oliver Mowat, one of the founding fathers of Confederation (his signature is on it), a premier of Ontario, and an Attorney general, and lieutenant-governor of Ontario.

We're Stuarts as well, our tartan is the Royal Stuart Tartan, we were servants to royalty at some point, which means we were also minor royalty (that's how they did it in those days at Court.).

There's more, but it's faded from memory at the moment. :)
i dont know of any although my uncle has been studying our geneaology(although he has been studying more of moms side since his wife is her sis), but as far as i know no we dont. and spirit, yes ma'am your very important *cowers*
okay.. for real... My great great Uncle is Edvard Munch - painter of "The Scream" and so on...

Ok, I am not really engaged to him but I AM the Queen of Denial (I guess that makes me Cleopatra? ;) )
I actually heard that pun used in a sing and have always thought it was kinda neat. I REALLY am the Queen of Denial too!