anyone fancy a hunt?

tonksy said:
pre-spam is his name....that or ned...jury's still out.

"Neal the Veal" :swing:
That looks like a stuffed animal of the Chicago Bulls mascot, Benny the Bull, sorry. I'd join in, but remember, anything that can't be found in an urban area is very unlikely for me to find.

it's starting this weekend? I'm done exams then, I'm in!

Now, to find a mascot...*rubs chin*
Hmmm. My old low-res camera might manage to produce some viable shots. count me in. I'll upload a mascot later. I'll have to track down my old lizard.
A mascott??!?

Damn...this hunt is tougher than I do I find a nice mascott and find a name for it??!?

Game hasn't even started and I've already lost :(
Professur said:
Nicole. When I get home, that had damn well better be back on my wife's wall where I left it.

My momma bought it for me :p

From Ikea :brush:
Where you shall upload your submissions:

Each team:
Sign up, log in, Post/PM/email me if you have problems or need help/instructions. Maximum dimensions for a picture is 1024x768 (or 768x1024, depending on how you turn your head) AND it must be under 1mb in size. Quotas are set high. In other words, you shouldn't have any problems. Let me know if so.

The official list shall be posted tomorrow afternoon (before 4pm CST).

Don't forget to post your mascot, either here or there!

Good luck! :D