Anyone near Atlantic City?


Well-Known Member
I'm going down there for the Canada Day :canada: long weekend...30th June-3rd July for a bachelor party. :beardbng:

I'm wondering if anyone's in the area and would like a quick, lunch or supper somewheres? No guarantees that I'll be sober or free but there ya go. :shrug:

Anyone know of some decent restaurants? Bars? Strip clubs?
Driving...and it's 8 hors for me as well.
8 hours with 7 other guys in a Suburban.

Beach,eat,drink,casino,eat,drink,eat,nudity infusion,drink,sleep <repeat>

Well worth it ;)
MrBishop said:
Damn... two OTCers in the area :)

Care to meet with a Liberalish Canuckistani? ;)

I'm a minor, you must be a sexual predator :p

If you wanted to haul your ass over to the west part of South Jersey, I'd be happy to eat lunch with you, but I ain't drivin' to A.C. for no fookin' lefty!
Gato_Solo said:
Does that mean I can celebrate the Fourth of July in Manitoba???
I'd go to Montreal instead...but yeah, we get quite the influx of Americans over the border for the 4th weekend! :)
Altron said:
I'm a minor, you must be a sexual predator :p

If you wanted to haul your ass over to the west part of South Jersey, I'd be happy to eat lunch with you, but I ain't drivin' to A.C. for no fookin' lefty!

A minor!?! sure that you're not an FBI special opps dude posing as a minor in order to entrap 38 year old dudes into asking you out for a coffee? ;)

I won't have access to wheels. Sorry Altron. No can do. Perhaps next time I find myself in Jersey with my own wheels. :shrug:
They brainwashed me so well that I don't even know I'm a FBI agent. When they say the code words, I'm going to turn you in and the secret police will drop down your chimney like Santa Claus.
ust a question Bish....why the heck are you going to USA to celebrate CANADA day.

Guess you okes really are the 51st state eh?