AQ in Iraq: White House Will Be Destroyed


Well-Known Member
Ha! not if the dems beat ya to it al Masri!

"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel," the terror leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections."

So Dems---are you listening? The enemy loves you! --does it feel good being on the same side as Al Qaeda? What should the American people conclude about election results that our enemies are applauding?

Describing President Bush as "the most stupid president" in U.S. history, al-Masri reached out to the Muslim world and said his group was winning the war in Iraq faster than expected due to U.S. policies.

Is it a coincidence that these statements echo the dem's oft-repeated remarks about the President and the war?

On the audio tape made available on militant Web sites, the al-Qaida in Iraq leader also welcomed the Republican electoral defeat that led to the departure of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. He added that the group's fighters would not rest until they had blown up the White House.

Now that the Democrats have the power they so desperately fought for they will have no one to blame but themselves for failure. One can only hope they will wake up and smell the reality of the threats we face, because despite the accusations of political scare tactics, the threat is very real.

Al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, also urged the U.S. to stay in Iraq so his group would have more opportunities to kill American troops. "We haven't had enough of your blood yet," he told the U.S.

The democrat response to this menace has been to put the NSA wiretaps on hold:

Maybe dems, just maybe, despite the disagreements with Bush over various issues and the way he is fighting the war on terror --just MAYBE it would be nice to show some solidarity as a country and support the commander in chief while he has troops out there in the field, and not try to defeat his efforts to protect our country.


That's not working anymore. You're actually going to have to come up with good politicians now.
Maybe the dems will give AQ candy and kisses and then they will leave us alone?


Nancy P said:
“The point is this isn’t a war to win, it’s a situation to solve. And you define ‘winning’ any way you want, but you must solve this problem.” War Plan?&Video Launch Page&News


Uh, Nancy? Just wondering: how do you "solve" an enemy? You can't. You DEFEAT them.
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel," the terror leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections."

Bah. They've been saying the same thing on most college campuses for years.
Anybody see the SNL news last night?

"In an ironic twist this week Iraq brought regime change to the United States."

"Today is Veteran's Day, so it affected no one in the White House."

So Dems---are you listening? The enemy loves you! --does it feel good being on the same side as Al Qaeda? What should the American people conclude about election results that our enemies are applauding?

Terrorists quote Bush all the time...

..oh sure, it's for comedy relief, but ...

I guess that the Republicans are on the same side as Al Qaeda too ??
Cerise, quit drinking the al-qaeda kool-aid.
It's called propaganda.

Wikipedia said:
Propaganda is a specific type of message presentation directly aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviour of people, rather than impartially providing information. An appeal to one's emotions is, perhaps, the more obvious propaganda method, but there are varied other more subtle and insidious forms.
That's right, damnit. Let's all be friends with those who have vowed to kill us. There's no reason to remind folks that they want us dead. If we talk really nicely they might become our buddies. No point in reminding ourselves we are the target.
Soooo---I just want to paraphrase the consensus here: when al-qaida says that they are gleeful that the dems have power, that they are exhilarated that they are winning the war in Iraq faster because of US policies, that they are bombastic in their declaration that they want more US soldiers blood, that they are being audacious when they say that they will not rest until they see the White House in flames---al-qaida is just being rude and crude and talking out their collective ass? None of that is cause for concern because it is all a line of BS?

You're joking, right?

A-ha ha ha ha ha ha ha---wait, I'm almost through ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

We have been threatened constantly for years. But now there's a difference.
Why would AQ want to threaten MORE in light of that difference?
They're threatening more? No, about the same. They've been after the Whitehouse for awhile. I think they were hoping to get it on 9/11.
They're threatening more? No, about the same. They've been after the Whitehouse for awhile. I think they were hoping to get it on 9/11.

Look, they haven't even made it back to Pittsburgh since we kicked saddam & his sons out on their ass. Seems teh War on Terror:Battle of Iraq may be working just as planned. Thanks Donald Rumsfeld & the hundrends of thousands of anonymous troops that fight for our protection. You're doing a kick-ass job.
They hadn't made it to Pittsburgh for a couple hundred years before we were in Iraq so what does that mean? It means your grasping at straws.

All reports say we are less safe and there is more terrorism since we went to Iraq. Thanks Rumsfeld.
All reports say we are less safe and there is more terrorism since we went to Iraq. Thanks Rumsfeld.

Reports, like statistics, can be manipulated to meet an agenda.

The last attack on American soil came before or after Iraq?