AQ in Iraq: White House Will Be Destroyed

Reports, like statistics, can be manipulated to meet an agenda.

Not as easy as your excuses. Who was pres during the attack and what color underwear were they wearing? That person and their underwear must have caused it.

Really, the Bush-appointed 9/11 commission and the intelligence agencies have some anti-Iraq agenda :laugh:
You, and those reports, that say we're less safe miss the elephant in the room. Until you figure that out, go away & get lost in thought. See ya soon.
They're threatening more? No, about the same. They've been after the Whitehouse for awhile. I think they were hoping to get it on 9/11.

I guess I was trying to say that in light of the recent changes in the political scene in the US, the changes that AQ has put their stamp of approval on, why are they still threatening to burn down the Whitehouse? Does it mean that since they missed their target on 9-11 they will still go after it?

chcr said:
:yawn: It's over, just like I said it would be. Move along, nothing to see here...

You believe that we won't have to worry about fighting AQ over here because if we "redeploy" our troops from Iraq it will be seen as a sign of goodwill, and any animosity they have displayed to America in the past will *poof* be gone in the blink of an eye? Just like "the view" that Rosie O'Donnell has of the situation:

"You can walk through life believing in the goodness of the world, or walk through life afraid of anyone who thinks different than you and trying to convert them to your way of thinking. Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers."

Like I said: We're DOOOOMMMMed
You believe that we won't have to worry about fighting AQ over here because if we "redeploy" our troops from Iraq it will be seen as a sign of goodwill, and any animosity they have displayed to America in the past will *poof* be gone in the blink of an eye?

Where do you get that from? It has nothing to do with what I posted, now does it? Rant about pulling out all you want, it was always what was going to happen. I remain unfrightened and unsurprised.
"You can walk through life believing in the goodness of the world, or walk through life afraid of anyone who thinks different than you and trying to convert them to your way of thinking. Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers."

I wonder if she knows that Lesbians are on the KILL FIRST list, ahead of Christians & not far behind Jews?

You can also walk thru life observing things & learning what to enjoy, what to be wary of, what to run like hell from. There is lots of goodness. It's balanced by the awful.
I wonder if she knows that Lesbians are on the KILL FIRST list, ahead of Christians & not far behind Jews?

You can also walk thru life observing things & learning what to enjoy, what to be wary of, what to run like hell from. There is lots of goodness. It's balanced by the awful.

There's a big difference between understanding what may be dangerous and being afraid. The government and the media seem to want us to be afraid, don't they? As far as I've ever been able to figure out, this is the same thing the terrorists want. It's only a suggestion, but why give it to them?
Fear is a great motivating factor. When 70% of the populace refuses to pay attention & 20% has short term memory problems, the word needs to remain out front, constantly. Those who pay attention get overwhelmed.
When there's no logical reason to be in Iraq fear-mongering is the only option to get people to go along with stupidity.
Fear is a great motivating factor. When 70% of the populace refuses to pay attention & 20% has short term memory problems, the word needs to remain out front, constantly. Those who pay attention get overwhelmed.

Well, if you enjoy living in fear for no good reason...
Where do you get that from? It has nothing to do with what I posted, now does it? Rant about pulling out all you want, it was always what was going to happen. I remain unfrightened and unsurprised.

I see I misunderstood your "It's over, just like I said it would be. Move along, nothing to see here..." as a continuation of "You know, I can't help but wonder what some of you will do when you finally figure out that we're not."

So I read that to mean there will be no consequences when the dems yank our troops out of Iraq. No critical events will be triggered when we cut and run.

My mistake. Please forgive my ineptitude.
I see I misunderstood your "It's over, just like I said it would be. Move along, nothing to see here..." as a continuation of "You know, I can't help but wonder what some of you will do when you finally figure out that we're not."

So I read that to mean there will be no consequences when the dems yank our troops out of Iraq. No critical events will be triggered when we cut and run.

My mistake. Please forgive my ineptitude.

No, it wasn't a continuation of the previous post. However, "No critical events will be triggered when we cut and run" states the case quite nicely. Nothing that hasn't happened before and continued to happen throughout this pecadillo will happen whether we stay or withdraw. :shrug:

I'm quite sure the terrorists are gratified by the success of their tactics on some of you though. They want you to be afraid and you respond by being afraid (and then castigating anyone who isn't). And you think the democrats are helping the enemy. :rofl4:
Some of us have listened to what Hewantsajihadanielson from Iran talk plainly out of both sides of his mouth. We've figured the side that says let's play nicely is the lying side.

We've listened to world leaders, American politicians & assorted pundits say that Iraq is armed & beefing up their arsenal for over a decade (until GW said the same thing) & he decided that enough was enough & put an end to it.

We listened to terrorists saying they will not rest until Israel is destroyed & all the Jews are pushed into the sea. Too bad we've sedated that dog.

We didn't listen when they said we're gonna get it too. Look what happened when we didn't listen.

We didn't listen in the Thirties when there were warning bells screaming all around us. Look what happened when we didn't listen.

You are looking at a repeat of the lead up to WW2. The signs are everywhere. Unfortunately, in our PC world, it's unkind to call a spade a spade & too many believe that all can be handled by career diplomats. Ask Neville where that got Britain.

We are on the brink of global war. Maybe not this month or this year but it's staring us in the face. I personally like to be prepared.

I learned to listen.
Ask a Jew about not listening. While you still can.
First name terms, heh?

heck, why not call him Nev!

There are some differences .... the french haven't come up with an ingeniously cunning defence plan by building a great fortified wall , that runs out near some marshes ...

those dastardly germans ...what a typically cheap gerry trick ...going round it!!!

Not cricket!

i was watching a political discussion programme last night, and they were saying how it is funny really ..we have had two world wars with the germans , whilst the french were "kind of" or at least "technically" allies ..yet 60 years on we pretty much (generally) like the germans but still dislike the french!

mind you ... old Nev was a bit of a dick ... the downing street staff used yo dread him going to the loo ...

..i have in my hand ...
We listened to terrorists saying they will not rest until Israel is destroyed & all the Jews are pushed into the sea. Too bad we've sedated that dog.

We didn't listen when they said we're gonna get it too. Look what happened when we didn't listen.

We are on the brink of global war. Maybe not this month or this year but it's staring us in the face. I personally like to be prepared.

Obsession: The Movie

Glenn Beck Presents: Exposed
I saw the Glenn Beck thing. Interesting but nothing new for those who pay attention.