Are just words enough, is it possible to have a relationship without the touch?


Staff member
I feel like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City with that title. It sounds like something she would name one of her columns.

Anyway, back to my question, I see my boyfriend once a week, if I'm lucky (sometimes once every 2 weeks).

Is it possible to sustain a relationship with just phone conversations (usually VERY short ones) and the occasional meeting? I mean, it feels WEIRD to be with him in person sometimes and I can't even close my eyes and see him anymore...:(
It's not only possible, it is sometimes the beginning of the best relationship you will ever have. If you stay in love with him, it will be because of who he is, not how good he can make you feel.
Squiggy said:
Hell Nix, I make mad passionate love to you every night. And we've never met in real life.... :winkkiss:

OK, now you are scarying me...:bolt:
Nixy, yes you can. But you do have to make the effort to convey the feelings more. It doesn't support itself.
Yeah...the fact that he is all mysterious and shit doesn't help much. He doesn't really just SAY anything...

I LIKE the mysterious though...I just hope it isn't our pending doom...
Nixy, you have to remember. You're both young. and you're both still in school. You're looking for a lifetime relationship, he's looking for a college girlfriend, and a good time.

Relax, willya.
Did you guys define this relationship? ( to use na's term, but NOT to make light of the situation) it exclusive for both of you? Don't get defensive now...I'm just asking. But did you guys decide only to date each other...or is this a limit you put on yourself? I know you've gotten weird vibes from him before. I don't want to see you get hurt again. You have ALOT going for you. Guys should be beating a path to your door to go out with you.
A long distance relationship between 2 mature people who have been together for some time can work, but between 2 young people who are changing and maturing all the time on the balance of probabilities, I'm sad to say, is likely to fail.

That doesn't necessarily mean that yours will, there are relationships which do survive, but it takes a great deal of effort, commitment and communication to keep it going.
yes nix it can as long as you guys defined it as Q said. Also, as long as you two trust each other adn can communicate too thats something else thats needed. i can tell you Ld relationships suck but they can be nice cause it can make you happier to see the person. good luck nix. :hug: wishing you the best.
want the truth?

....I could make something up...

...but I'm afraid my answer to the question would be no.....

for many reasons....but mostly because your original post seemed to answer your own question...

How about a relationship with just the touching. Imagine a relationship minus the all rigors of communication.:D
Nope had that with my ex for the last two years of our marriage, it sounds good in theory, but really doesn't work too well.
OK, not no touch at all. plenty of touch whenever we see each other. He blew me away today and asked me if i wanted to come over again on sunday (I was at his house today, he is coming over friday, we are going out with friends sat). He has said he wanted to do stuff with me on certain days before but he has never suggested exactly what to do. that was always up to me. I like that he took that initiative.

Q: Last night I asked him what I am to him and he said "My girlfriend". We have not SAID specifically that we are exclusive but I am positive we are. Just the way he says things, etc.