Are these constant sexual innuendos really necasary or amusing?


Well-Known Member
Guess you guys all find them hilarious though cause thats all most threads turn into.

Perhaps my sense of humor has been lost but , frankly I find them annoying and quite boring. Probaly cause I am jerk, or maybe I am just a gentleman. :hat

Maybe I have gotten tired of the same stereotypical sex jokes, that you hear enough from that wierd guy on the bus.
No, it's not necessary, it's....

Fuck it, I'm not going to splain it to you...
Buttcrackdivine said:
Fuck the naysayers.. i agree with Whoreable
I going to say nay so I can get one of those fucks....erm from someone of the female persuasion just so we're clear he
Sexual innuendo is meant to be used as a playful exercise of the mind. How well can you hide a sexual meaning into a conversation so as to not offend.

I prefer sexual innuendo to blatant sexual shows more character and presence of mind.

With that in mind...this is Off-Topic central...the threads will stray...and sex is far too easy a topic to not slip into. Can you imagine what it would be lke if all threads strayed into political or theological discussions instead? Gads...this site would die!:banghead: