Are they really all that different?


Well-Known Member
This is a pic from Afghanistan...home of the 'enemy'. Frankly, despite the weather and the obvious poverty, are they really all that different?
No, we're all human beings no matter where we live or what color or skin is, what religion we believe, etc. Why can't everybody just get along?
CydCharisse said:
No, we're all human beings no matter where we live or what color or skin is, what religion we believe, etc. Why can't everybody just get along?

...because after that realization we eventually realize that there is a lot more to life than that. So many factors come in that simply being human with the same color of blood gets lost in translation. Faith, greed, hate, fear, love, loathe, poverty, digust, hunger, power, wealth all cloud the best of mans judgement.

We are the same as them but we and they see it as anything but.
tonks said:

found BCD's response quite truthful & telling. Aren't humans wonderful?

Oh, CC, no, we can't all get along. That's been shown over & over for several millennia.
Gonz said:
found BCD's response quite truthful & telling. Aren't humans wonderful?

Oh, CC, no, we can't all get along. That's been shown over & over for several millennia.

Like I keep trying to tell people. :shrug:
The question is: Can we transcend our biology and overcome the urge to divide into little groups and throw nuts at each other? probably not. but we can at least consider it...
Its all part of the clannish/wolfpack mentality of the animal sect known as humanity. We all have collective 'groups' that align by biology, sociology, and ideology. Its an ugly web. I'm either one of my family, one of my friends, a member of my county, state, country, race, ancestral root base, language, dress, religion, attitudes, age ... so many circles that partailly overlap ... and so few that overlap with enough of the circles to make me feel sympathetic comradeship with someone halfway around the world that has nothing in common with me other than age and sex. Such animosities are fairly pointless ... but were only at the footsteps of the modern age of communication and mass knowledge. We can't expect to shed several thousands of years of suspicion and xenophobia in a few generations. After all ... our great grandparents only had radio ... and the information and acceptance of others was nonexistant. Our grandparents saw the birth of television and the start of air travel ... but the small town mentality was still quite entrenched. Our parents were still born to a larval information age ... but grew up in the time of great strides and expansion in human education and general knowledge of their world. We are of the first generation to be born with a better grasp of human cultures than any that have come before. Knowledge no longer lies in the hands of a few intelligencia... but is there for pretty much anyone to just take at will. Our children will do better still... but the net effect of mass global acceptance and melded humanity will be at the expense of traditions and the little elements that make any of us unique from one another. Change is hard ... most people do not desire it. I for one do not like the endless mass global violence ... but a world one of one mind that no longer has any culture or values scares me just as much.
everyone is always for the status quo *shrugs* that doesn't make it the 'right thing'. i know it's a pipe dream but it's mine.
Correctness is in the eye of the beholder.

I'm sure that there are several arguments to be made for shedding external influence. To most, surrendering to the idea of a singluar Star-Trekkian peace and love universe is tantamount to surrendering to the old school white european invaders of the days of yore.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

One can still retain cultural identity and coexist in peace with everyone else... if only they would surrender the notion of sticking a gun into the ribs of their neighbors for not having the correct god or football team.

I think were starting to speak of a utopia ... and utopias tend to run counter to the grain of human nature.
unclehobart said:
One can still retain cultural identity and coexist in peace with everyone else... if only they would surrender the notion of sticking a gun into the ribs of their neighbors for not having the correct god or football team.
uh huh :swing:
i have nothing left to say but uh huh.
tonks: i like the different cultures and the diversity, but I too hate ignorance. that you and i agree on
i'm not saying i want one culture - far from it, i simply mean that given the choice between one culture and some frigging unity as a species, i choose the unity.