
I think the weather here was trying to get me ready for Atlanta this week. We got some monsoonal moisture in, so it was 99 and humid today.
Currently calling for partly cloudy, 20% of afternoon flash and splash, 90 degrees.

Of course, that's still 5 days out, so they don't really know.
It's late June. :shrug:

Lotsa sun, lotsa humidity (though less then 6 weeks from now) & a few pop-ups. There, the meteorological forcast is done until October.
You overlook the occasional drenching from the remnants of hurricanes. Other than that, yeah. Welcome to Atlanta in the summer.
Well, seeing as I live in Jersey, Arizona was much hotter.

However, I really don't think I would mind living out there too much, as long as I had A/C in the house and didn't have to spend very long amounts of time outside. It's so dry that it's not as uncomfortable as, say, Jersey when we get to be 90 degrees with like 50% humidity. As long as you had the A/C on for sleeping, it wasn't all that bad.
If you live there you have an excuse to stay inside all day and talk on these amazing forums... *flame me when I'm gone*
Some parts of Arizaona are great but the Phoenix area seems like a big hot flat grid with too many tract homes. In Scottsdale you'd have to work hard to find a house that doesn't look exactly like the one next to it.

Then there's the people wasting water flooding their lawns to keep grass alive as if they didn't realize they live in a desert. The yards with rock gardens and a couple cacti make more sense...way less work too.

Sedona and Flagstaff I really like.
The grandparents' house (well, their former house, the deal finally went through earlier this week) is in Sedona. It's a nice town. Beautiful views all around.
*fondly recalls Sedona having almost 2 quickie marts & no crystal dealers (either kind)*

better place then
Have you seen that Hungarian dude's house?

It's a sprawling monstrosity that probably cost in excess of 25 million dollars, complete with working 20 foot telescope. Apparantly, the guy never goes outside. It dropped the value of every nearby home and blocked the view of the mountain for several. What a jerk. If you're going to build in a very scenic location, build a small house that lets you have a nice view and kinda fits in, not some huge castle with armed guards.
At least he was smart enough to get the armed guards to keep angry neighbors from torching the house.