Army Recruiters Suck!

Gato_Solo said:
I'm all for a draft...with exemptions only for the physically or mentally handicapped. No "mommy and daddy are rich/famous/powerful" crap like last time, and anyone found to be faking a handicap gets an extra 4 years tacked on to their service commitment, after a six-month stay in a federal prison.

That works for me, Israel does it, and there it is considered embarrassing not being able to serve.

To clarify THESE army recruiters suck, and the quota system that makes these guys act like dirty used car salesmen sucks.

Oh, and we do have recruitment at schools, but not at highschool levels, and also in malls, with booths that you walk up to, you have to initiate the conversation, and these are for the reserves only.
Nope the draft is slavery

the government doesn't own your life

This ain't Soviet Russia

If you wanna volunteer fine

But a draft just ain't right

besides we ain't even inna real war
and we've got plenty of boots on the
ground, now let 'em do their job and come home?
Gato_Solo said:
I'm all for a draft...with exemptions only for the physically or mentally handicapped. No "mommy and daddy are rich/famous/powerful" crap like last time, and anyone found to be faking a handicap gets an extra 4 years tacked on to their service commitment, after a six-month stay in a federal prison.

If there is a draft then let Bush's daughters be the first to go.
Gotholic said:
If there is a draft then let Bush's daughters be the first to go.

Nice try. A draft will never, ever include wimmen. That's about as smart as spending the capital. You can spend all the interest you want. But you never ever spend the capital.
i remember being told by a recruiter that in peacetime the job of the doctors down at the military entrance centers is to disqualify people - and that's what happened to me - but in wartime they tend to take a lot of liberties.
They have a massive physical exam before entrance to the military. He won't get in.

why do we still even have conventional troops

we should have robot troops

like a remote-controlled tank

with a huge flamethrower on the front

so that it could just roll up to a village

and in a matter of minutes

burn the village to the ground

killing everyone

sit the soldiers in front of a computer

tell them that they're playing a game called

"kill all the towelheads"

it worked for Orson Scott Card!

(My impression of a Winky post)
Altron, posing as Winky, drop the robot part & you just desribed the the 4th Infantry Divsions march into Baghdad (well, they didn't kill indiscriminately-but they could have if they wanted)
Gotholic said:
If there is a draft then let Bush's daughters be the first to go.

Nice. I make a specific statement, and you had to go off on a tangent to post an ideology. When I said everybody, I meant everybody. Your attempt at politicizing the argument is foolishness. The only reason most people bring crap like that up is because they think they, themselves, are too good to serve unless somebody else goes first. I have a word for that...cowardice.
Yeah if my Son was called to go I'd want him to be a leader of men in combat, at least he'd have a skill when he came back.