As Britain falls


molṑn labé
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Parents Can Give Children A 'Mild Smack'
Parents could be restricted to only using mild smacks when disciplining their children, under proposals to go before the House of Lords. Peers will be given a conscience vote tomorrow on removing the traditional defence of "reasonable chastisement".Any blow that led to "actual bodily harm" - which can include bruising, scratching or reddening of the skin - would be outlawed.

Caning in the home would also be forbidden, as would causing psychological distress to a child.

Wary of being accused of encouraging a "nanny state", Tony Blair has set his face against legislation banning smacking.

But, faced with the prospect of a rebellion by Labour peers and MPs, Mr Blair and Education Secretary Charles Clarke have decided to allow a free vote on limiting the use of the traditional defence of "reasonable chastisement".

Lib Dem peer Lord Lester of Herne Hill, who is putting forward the legislation, told The Sunday Times: "When a parent smacks a child, they are to some extent losing control.

"Under my amendment, parents will still be able to smack their children if they don't harm them physically or mentally."

Good luck.
well, my parents gave me an occasional smack...they weren't hard, but it wasn't the smack itself that made me afraid. that they'd smack me in the first place made me realize i was doing something i really wasn't supposed to do.

it's the responsibility of the parents to know how hard they can smack their kids. it's no use to smack them until they bleed (which is illegal anyway), so i don't see much of a point in this.

the moment it's illegal to give your kid a correctional smack, parenting is going to be a lot harder. i'm glad my parents smacked me (maybe 5 times in my entire life) because it really taught me the limits.
I'll be straight up about this. I could beat my two older kids to a bloody pulp and it wouldn't even slow them down. Either they're both posessed of incredibly high pain thresholds, or they're just posessed of comic book levels of stubornness. Anyone remember The Thing getting beaten down, and getting back up time and time again? That's them. Either way, I don't want them growing up remembering me hammering on them.
Professur said:
I'll be straight up about this. I could beat my two older kids to a bloody pulp and it wouldn't even slow them down. Either they're both posessed of incredibly high pain thresholds, or they're just posessed of comic book levels of stubornness. Anyone remember The Thing getting beaten down, and getting back up time and time again? That's them. Either way, I don't want them growing up remembering me hammering on them.
It certainly doesn't work with every child. I still think it's a mistake to outlaw corporal punishment. I'm like Shadow, I got spanked or smacked maybe 5 or 6 times in my life (deserved it each time too). I was a smart kid, I learned to not get caught. :)
Ditto here. I don't remember being smacked, or spanked etc... though I do remember feeling a kind of dread descend upon me if I felt that I had dissapointed my father. That silence spoke louder than anything else about something which I should not do again.
Take half now & get the rest later.

LONDON (AP) - British lawmakers on Monday voted against a ban on parents spanking their children, and decided instead to tighten existing rules.

After a three-hour debate in the House of Lords, peers rejected the ban by 250 votes to 75.

Instead, they voted by 226-91 to allow moderate spanking, but make it easier to prosecute parents who physically or mentally abuse their children by spanking.
but make it easier to prosecute parents who physically or mentally abuse their children by spanking.

spanking which cause real physical harm isn't exactly spanking is it? and as far as i know, molesting people was already against the law...
Professur said:
I'll be straight up about this. I could beat my two older kids to a bloody pulp and it wouldn't even slow them down. Either they're both posessed of incredibly high pain thresholds, or they're just posessed of comic book levels of stubornness. Anyone remember The Thing getting beaten down, and getting back up time and time again? That's them. Either way, I don't want them growing up remembering me hammering on them.

Like their father? :grinyes: