As predictions go, this one has a good chance of coming true

And I will wrap up the excursion into Andre Rieu music with this Toselli Serenade .
It is very mellow, and could move you to tears.....
I understand he plays a 1667 violin by Stradivarius.
And I will wrap up the excursion into Andre Rieu music with this Toselli Serenade .
It is very mellow, and could move you to tears.....
I understand he plays a 1667 violin by Stradivarius.

It is nice. That violin is is worth ridiculous money if not priceless. They are said to have the best sound quality of any violin. Its a lot more recent but that is sort of akin to an original Fender Stratocaster. The thing about the early strats I've been told by a guy I know who collects vintage guitars is that the actual pickups in the guitar decayed to give them a unique one of a kind sound.
Why then was no airplane parts at all found at the Pentagon?


rJ said:
I really don't know what happened at all on 9/11, I wasn't there, I wasn't in on the planning, none of us were and none of us knows anything for absolute sure. I don't firmly believe anything about it. I just think its damn suspicious is all.

But you just said that no airplane parts were found...

rJ said:
I do know you have this need to always be right and a part of you wants It I am quite sure. I am also quite sure that a part of you doesn't, I am just not sure which part has more control.

I honestly think you are a good person that wants the best, but you are so damn wrapped up in that you have all the answers its scary sometimes.

Pot calling kettle black, as it were?
.....But you just said that no airplane parts were found....

Interesting story I am sure you will not believe.

9/11 Pentagon Attack Survivor Files Lawsuit Cheney Rumsfeld Myers
Posted February 5th, 2009 by 911 Dude

A lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan Monday charges Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and ex-Air Force General Richard Myers, acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on September 11th with “broad com-plicity” in the attacks of that horrific day. The suit seeks damages, triple damages and punitive damages for an ex-U.S.Army member who, along with her two-month-old baby, was injured in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on 9/11.

The ex-G.I. plaintiff alleges she has been denied government support since then, because she raised “painful questions” about the inexplicable failure of military defenses at the Pentagon that day, and especially the failure of officials to warn and evacuate the occupants of the building when they knew the attack was imminent..

The complaint alleges the three leaders and other “unknown, named” U.S. military and civilian officials engaged in a conspiracy to “facilitate and enable” the Attack on America; because they wished to bring about a “frightening catastrophe of terrorism”, “a new Pearl Harbor”, which would create “a powerful reaction of fear and anger in the pub-lic and in Washington”. This would generate an “atmosphere of acceptance” which would allow the longed-for neo-conservative political and military program to go for-ward: invade Afghanistan, pass the Patriot Act, invade Iraq, tap phones, etc; torture, lie, intimidate, etc.

The plaintiff AG was a career soldier, holding top secret clearance, who had an agreeable assignment in Germany until she was abruptly transferred to the Pentagon in 2000. On September 11, 2001, she had a new baby boy, Elisha, with her on her first day back from a two-month maternity leave. She was told by her supervisor to hurry to her desk that morning, for an urgent document-clearing job, and to drop the baby off at child care later. She got to her office, turned on her computer, and the place blew up. There were at least two big explosions that she heard and felt.

The walls collapsed, the ceiling fell in, she was hit in the head and knocked uncon-scious; she came to, grabbed the baby (who was also hit in the head), and picked her way out to where daylight was showing, where the front of the first floor had been blown off. The insides of the building were also blown out; but there was no sign of any wrecked airliner, and no burning jet fuel splashed anywhere.

There is also no sign of airliner wreckage in any photograph that has been pub-lished so far; and there are many photographs that show a clear absence of wreckage, and plain evidence of blast damage. Many internet sites carry the pictures. See, e.g,

Meanwhile, there are said to be some 85 videotapes from various surveillance cameras on and around the Pentagon, which the U.S. Department of Justice is withhold-ing from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. What do they show, or not show?

The Pentagon has released two video clips from cameras showing the side of the Pentagon that was hit. In the first, at about 1:07, just after a car passes in front, a white or silver projectile-shaped object appears at the right edge of the picture, opposite the build-ing; and the next frames show an explosion beginning at the front of the building, fol-lowed by a fireball. The object is indistinct, and definitely not recognizable as an airliner.

In the second tape, from a camera a little further away but with the same general view, you see the car pass, and then at 25 seconds, a plume of white smoke shows on the right side, where the shape was in the first tape. A parking lot entry ticket device in the foreground hides the object emitting the smoke, and the explosion begins in the next frame; but plainly there is no giant airliner hidden behind the parking device, about to strike the building. Both tapes, obtained by Judicial Watch in 2006 are at:

The official report suggests the plane disintegrated on impact, but also that parts of it plowed all the way through to the back wall of the “C-ring”, some 300 feet from where it hit on the outside; but there are no pictures of airplane wreckage inside the building either. See:

The plaintiff alleges her belief that no airliner crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, although it appears that one swooped low over the building just when bombs went off in-side, or a missile hit, or both. These may have been controlled from E-4B, the Air Force “doomsday plane” which was shown live on CNN, circling over Washington at the time of the attack.

But whether a plane hit the building or something else did, certainly there was no warning of a plane's approach; which might have saved the plaintiff and her child, many others who were hurt, and the 125 people, members of the military and civilian employ-ees, who died in the attack that morning. Yet flight controllers broadcast an emergency warning about the plane more than a half-four before the Pentagon was hit.

The explosion(s) destroyed the interior of the building where plaintiff’s office was. When she could gather herself from the blast, with help from other survivors, they made their way out through rubble, smoke and dust. She got to the outside, holding her baby, collapsed on the grass, and woke up later in the hospital.

Officials came to the hospital and asked her what she thought happened. She told them a bomb went off; but they said no, in fact, an airplane crashed into the building. She asked, and has continued to ask: where were the fighter planes, that have protected America's skies for so long; that normally go up once or twice a week, at a moment’s no-tice, to check on off-course airliners? Where were the Pentagon's defenses? Where was the alarm, to get the people out of harm's way?

These are painful questions, indeed, and Rumsfeld and Cheney have not given good or even decent answers. Their multiple stories, especially as embodied in the du-plicitous Report of the Official 9/11 Commission, controlled by Bush Administration in-sider Phillip Zelikow, do not hold water and can be proven false. The Report is full of er-rors, omissions and distortions, and has been thoroughly discredited, in the writings of David Ray Griffin and numerous others.

AG went to a special Commission hearing in 2004, open only to survivors, and watched as Donald Rumsfeld gave rambling, evasive answers about the failure of the Pentagon defenses, particularly the fighter planes. The Commissioners failed to confront his non-responsiveness, and never pinned him down. Cheney was observed in the White House bunker that morning by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, apparently giv-ing orders that the plane headed towards Washington be allowed to continue. Cheney has never testified or been reasonably questioned about his actions.

We brought this lawsuit for AG and her son to hold them to account...

Dennis Cunningham

William W. Veale

I also find it funny that the "airplane" could not bring down the Pentagon, yet easily they toppled the WTCs?!?


Do you see airplane wreckage? Perhaps you've heard of Photoshop? Of course you work for the government and support conservative causes enough, that I'm quite sure that if you were presented real evidence that something fishy was up, your desire alone to believe differently would be enough to keep you in the dark. You'd simply refuse to believe what the evidence told you.

Yet another interesting article....

I get a kick out of that nonsense about the molten steel argument being debunked. Nobody that I've read of in the conspiracy movement was trying to argue that the plane melted the steel to collapse the tower. So basically the idiot trying to debunk things at Popular Mechanics isn't even arguing the same point at all! It's the molten steel buried under the rubble that the rescuers found!


This photo was taken on the 18th. Kind of a long time to stay about 2000 degrees ya think, well I'm sure you don't....

How about when the B-25 hit the Empire State Building, and, wonder of wonders, it did not collapse?

The same thing in Iran, yet no building collapses?!?

In fact here have been many cases of airplanes and airliners hitting buildings, yet the first time any of them collapsed was the WTCs?


Here's one of a building that a Turkish airliner struck.

Believe what you wanna believe, you will anyway, but I question it all. I don't "know" anything for sure, but in my opinion if you don't even question, or even consider possibilities with things like this, then you are asleep.

A lamb to the slaughter....

I also find it funny that the "airplane" could not bring down the Pentagon, yet easily they toppled the WTCs?!?
Different building methods. Different building shapes/targets.

This photo was taken on the 18th. Kind of a long time to stay about 2000 degrees ya think, well I'm sure you don't....
I don't suppose it's possible they had light bulbs available to them.

those planes use a different kind of fuel (that burns differently) and travel slower.

In fact here have been many cases of airplanes and airliners hitting buildings, yet the first time any of them collapsed was the WTCs?


Here's one of a building that a Turkish airliner struck.
What's the building code there compared to the standard the Pentagon was built up to?[/quote]
I did not say one should believe any particular thing. What I said, is that if you accept everything the federal government feeds you about this, or any huge event, without any pause or hesitation, then you might as well look in the dictionary for the word gullible and see a nice picture of yourself next to the definition. Perhaps it was all as the they say, but to accept it without further thought is just pathetic.
What are you if you believe everything bad about your country?


I sure hear nothing but complaints about things.

The thing is here nobody here does believe "all bad". We have different perspectives, but nobody hates our country here. You can try and argue the point but you'd be wrong.