As predictions go, this one has a good chance of coming true

Lighten up Francis!!

Actually...rJ is believed to be a sock-puppet for a banned member markjs...who was banned for being overly abrasive. If this actually is him, he hasn't really learned comprehension skills. If he had, he'd know my previous post was aimed at him, and not you, Frodo.
Actually, marky left of his own volition as I recall. I could be wrong; and I am sure that there will be a great rush to correct me if I am.

Here is what you find of an aircraft which has crashed on the ground and this is what you apparently believe you should have seen at the Pentagon:

The problem that you seem to have is realizing that the plane that hit the pentagon was going full throttle, wheels up, into a solid concrete building. Do the math on what the deceleration forces had to have been on that mass, at that speed and you will find that you were not going to find a whole lot of identifiable parts in the wreckage.
Look 'peel, I'm tired of debating it with folks who will not even look at the alternatives. You believe in Republicans like Germans believed in Hitler. The fact that many of the folks marginalized because they are in the "truth" movement are experts in fields relating directly to the incidents doesn't phase you. They include firefighters, aerodynamics experts, the list goes one. The other thing to consider is who stands to gain from lying? Even the 9/11 commission suggested that the administration was less than truthful. So you got all these people who gain nothing but the scorn of sheep like you, versus the people who have much to gain by lying and more to lose by not lying.

What makes me sick is that if I'm right and there was some level of cover up from the government, then that has to mean that many in congress who were not involved are also silent because they don't want to upset the status quoa of the lot of them. But seriously, for someone supposedly as intelligent as you not to even for a moment give pause about what really happened, proves to me that that intelligence is completely neutered in the face of your fanatical partisanship. Why the fuck should I even talk about it with you? Its just an opportunity for you to gain a false sense of superiority over others with different ideas, and you thrive on that. I throw out little bits of what I have learned and without investigating it you can find places that refute it, and then I in turn can do the same back, but I have no will. False senses of superiority are meaningless to me, I am just rewarded when I get someone to stop and think.
The fact that many of the folks marginalized because they are in the "truth" movement are experts in fields relating directly to the incidents doesn't phase you. They include firefighters, aerodynamics experts, the list goes one.

And yet, these "experts" have never investigated an airplane crash, let alone a high speed impact.
Look 'peel, I'm tired of debating it with folks who will not even look at the alternatives. You believe in Republicans like Germans believed in Hitler. The fact that many of the folks marginalized because they are in the "truth" movement are experts in fields relating directly to the incidents doesn't phase you. They include firefighters, aerodynamics experts, the list goes one. The other thing to consider is who stands to gain from lying? Even the 9/11 commission suggested that the administration was less than truthful. So you got all these people who gain nothing but the scorn of sheep like you, versus the people who have much to gain by lying and more to lose by not lying.

What makes me sick is that if I'm right and there was some level of cover up from the government, then that has to mean that many in congress who were not involved are also silent because they don't want to upset the status quoa of the lot of them. But seriously, for someone supposedly as intelligent as you not to even for a moment give pause about what really happened, proves to me that that intelligence is completely neutered in the face of your fanatical partisanship. Why the fuck should I even talk about it with you? Its just an opportunity for you to gain a false sense of superiority over others with different ideas, and you thrive on that. I throw out little bits of what I have learned and without investigating it you can find places that refute it, and then I in turn can do the same back, but I have no will. False senses of superiority are meaningless to me, I am just rewarded when I get someone to stop and think.

I have looked at the alternatives and find them sorely lacking in credibility.

I am an engineering type who understands the forces involved. The same people who state that the Pentagon was actually bombed are the same ones who believe that the steel of the WTC could not have melted. It didn't have to actually melt. All it had top do was to be annealed by the heat so it lost its tensile strength.

They say that there was no way that the temperatures could have been generated to melt the steel. Remember that central elevator shaft up the center of the WTC buildings? That would have become a flue where the heat from the fires would have drawn oxygen up the shaft like a blast furnace. The amount of air flowing up that shaft must have been on the order of a jet engine.

Trust me. I have done the analysis and I have seen the evidence to the contrary. I trust my analysis more than I trust the analysis of those who are known conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, et al.