As they say around these parts...


Southern Discomfort
...I'll see y'all d'rec'ly. Got me surgery scheduled for Wednesday morning, taking tomorrow off to get things ready for the hospital stay, and got a ton of stuff to get done today. Gonna high tail it outta here. Be back in a month or so (unless our home internet connection improves enough to allow me online there...)

In the meantime, y'all take care, watch out for snakes, and all that happy crappy. Hopefully when I return I'll be pain free. :swing:

Bye now. :wave2:
Oh know you can't get away like that!
Isn't there a sig other that could keep us
updated on your Progress?
Before you go under, just make sure it's the right doctor standing over you. The last thing you want is an OBGYN.
Um, guys. From someone who's facing a vasectomy sometime in the unavoidable future, would you mind terribly not using that phrase?
Winky said:
Oh know you can't get away like that!
Isn't there a sig other that could keep us
updated on your Progress?

All Ears, but she shares the same crappy home connection I have.

Make sure they cut around the tattoos. No sense in wasting good artwork

No tats, so no worries.
Don't bother with a vasectomy. Just twist up a nice snug rubber band up there until your crannies get starved, shrivel up, and fall off. Voila! No more kids. :evilcool:
unclehobart said:
Don't bother with a vasectomy. Just twist up a nice snug rubber band up there until your crannies get starved, shrivel up, and fall off. Voila! No more kids. :evilcool:

You first.
SN'P, you know I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Just make sure the doc knows exactly what and where he's cutting. Don't want anything valuable damaged. :D
OK S&P we'll look forward to updates from AllEars
I'm a devout atheist but I know that if we all
hold you in our thoughts it will help you d'rec'ly

TexasRaceLady said:
SN'P, you know I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Double ditto on that one good Buddy.
Best of luck to you once again. Good thoughts headed your way from Queens, NY (or where ever I happen to be at the moment). :cool:
yep, good luck SnP.

I'll always remember Rodney Dangerfield's last joke in these situations.
If everything go's well, I'll be outta here in 4 days.
If things don't go well, I'll be outta here in 4 hours.