As they say around these parts...

You are NOT going to believe this.

Hell, I don't believe this...

My surgeon just called. He said that my test results show that the mass in my pancreas, the reason for this surgery, is gone. GONE!!!! He said the films from 6 months ago showed it, the ones from 2 months ago showed it worsened and almost critical, and the ones from last week show virtually nothing! He said that apparently, the problem has somehow resolved itself. No need to do an unnecessary surgery...his exact words!

NOW tell me that prayer is a waste of time.
Holy shit! You don't get better news than that! Are they gonna retest to be positive, or is that it? Are you still suffering pain?
holy shit! that's great!...disregard karma message or rather,just know i wrote it before i read the whole thread :tardbang:
HomeLAN said:
Holy shit! You don't get better news than that! Are they gonna retest to be positive, or is that it? Are you still suffering pain?

My primary doc is gonna call me back with an appointment time, so we can follow up from this point. I still have pain but it is decreased from what it was a few months ago. I just figured it was a combination of having the right pain meds, getting off the chemo meds, and doing as I was told to prepare for the surgery. I never dreamed it was because the problem was taking care of itself.

I go for another round of scans in 6 months, sooner if the symptoms continue or get worse. Otherwise, I just chalk it up as another minor miracle and go merrily on my way.
Professur said:
Religion 1, Science 0.

I kinda like being on the winning team, don't you?

Ain't it the truth.

Cysts hard enough to bend biopsy needles do not just "go away", and I don't really care what the skeptics around here think about it. I know precisely what happened here. I know what, or Who, did this.
WOW that's awesome!!!

/you were talking last week? about some symptoms you were having...what is causing those do you think?
Dunno. Gonna get with the primary doc and figure that out. I think it's side effects of all this medication I'm on right now. Get me weaned off that and maybe....
that and stressing...

well it's great anyway. You're carrying some good karma.
I went out and danced in the driveway for you, SN'P. :D

I'll keep the good thoughts and prayers coming your way --- won't hurt to have some back-up. (((HUGS)))
Professur said:
Um, guys. From someone who's facing a vasectomy sometime in the unavoidable future, would you mind terribly not using that phrase?

I've already sufferd so get over it ya pansy.

[edit]Congrats on being one of the luckiest humans alive.

Enough of this being nice to the hillbilly crap...he's well.[/edit]
Gonz said:
Nah, I used mine more than most. THEN I got married.

Well, Duh. We all did. I'm just not done using mine yet. I'm kinda attached to them. And I'd sorta like to stay attached to them, if you get my meaning.
men...:rolleyes: it's not like they gonna whack off your, as lissa would say, hoo hoo. just nip and tuck and cauterized then, bob's yer uncle, no more spermies in the equation.

p.s. - i'm scheduled for a real surgery on the 21st.
Look, if ya wanna be a real man, do as I did.

I had mine done the same week as the Northridge quake. In a high rise.