AS400 Telnet Emulator for a MAC?


Well-Known Member
Looking for a freeware/shareware/cheap-ass-ware for a MAC to Emulate an AS400 Telnet link.

Anyone know of anything that my company could try and if it works well, buy?

We use Reflection to emulate DEC terminals but it's fairly versatile. Don't know if it's ported to Mac. What about Xterm? You're really running BeOs after all.


CelView 400
You lost me after shareware/cheap ass something or another....Shit, if the company paid for a decent system they can pay for whatever ails em...
Companies cut corners where they can. If I can find a freeware/cheapware program, they'll buy it. If I find something that's $2-3k...they'll waffle for 6-12 months. In the meanwhile, the graphic design dept is walking from on terminal to another with a pen and piece of paper to copy down what's on one screen in order to type it into another screen.