
Ya gotta spread the news that you joined, eh. It's not like Facebook where everyone you've ever met while in a grocery line can suddenly find you 12 seconds after you join.

Twatter takes time to get THAT annoying :D
Oh, I could care less about how many followers i have. It's the speed that the bots find and hook up that bugs me. I hadn't picked up on the first one since it's named Karen. I'd just assumed it was a connection following through you hooking on.
Most likely it was the Karen you and I both know, eh..much like Mir is following you now :)
Her twitter is about cooking.
:shrug: The block option works well.
Keep in mind that you are someone named Prof who's telling someone else about the joys of raising brine shrimp :)

It's fluff...there are a few interesting posters out there, including news systems which post headlines, some people post jokes, other's political opinion and plenty more that tell us all about the tremendous crap they just had...or their dog had while they were walking to the video store :p
I'm looking at perhaps changing my 9-5 scenery, and being up on the latest popular trends in computers is rather critical in my profession. i might not use it myself, but I need to know what it is and how it works in order to fix it.
WHOO HOO through Paul found Karen, through her found Mirlyn, through him found Prof and Bish :D
and now I've got you too.

Bish ... SEA MONKEYS. Not brine shrimp. Brine shrimp are fish food. SEA MONKEYS are pets. Says so right here on the package. They're $5 at Tiger Giant. You should get a couple for your kids.
and now I've got you too.

Bish ... SEA MONKEYS. Not brine shrimp. Brine shrimp are fish food. SEA MONKEYS are pets. Says so right here on the package. They're $5 at Tiger Giant. You should get a couple for your kids.

They come with an 'aquarium' or do you have to buy one separately? *Or make one, I suppose.

Luna would get a kick out of them..Javi, not so much.
Alternately you could just buy the packets and dump them into a glass of water. They really don't worry too much about it. The kit at tiger is cheaper, tho.