Athlon Temperature


Anyone know the normal operating temperature for an athlon thunderbird 900mhz (200mhz fsb) I have been searching and searching and haven't found anything to help me here! I think it maybe overheating because of constant freezes!
heh, the nice people here just told me to find out how hot mine is. it's usually high 50's centigrade, don't think it ever crashes due to heat. it goes at 1.2ghz, which is kinda similar. heh, found that out off the heat program too. yippie :)
Normal can be anywhere from the mid 30's to the mid 60's. It just all depends on the setup you've got. I wouldn't be alarmed unless you're topping 70, like fury used to.
Anything over about 75C is danger zone. AMD will tell you they'll run happily at 90, but I personally think that's a load of :bs:
not exactly Homelan, the stated thermal limit ( i.e before the chip burns up) is 90C, not operating temperature most Athlons will freeze up at about 70-80C, optimally i'd want it around 55-60C loaded maximum.
Thanx everyone I do appreciate it all! Now I know if I have an overheated processor! Always a good thing if your thinking about overclocking it! hehe :retard3:
Don't ask Fury about his temps. As far as he's concerned, if you can't smell it, it's not too hot. At least, the last 6 weren't.
O if you want to compete on fried or ruined athlons! I'm your man... I even managed to melt the solder joints on the board the last time I burned one up! :retard3: I actually have more problems with stability now I thought it may be overheated processor but now I'm thinking it may be the board! I need some new case fans I have to manually spin them to get some of them working! :eek2:
Professur said:
Don't ask Fury about his temps. As far as he's concerned, if you can't smell it, it's not too hot. At least, the last 6 weren't.

i always thought that was the proper method, it works with my car :tardbang:
I've only gone through 1 AMD chip, and that's a T-bird 1.2. And then I only crushed it, didn't burn it. :tardbang:

The other 3, as far as I know, are functioning fine. This Athlon XP 1.53 @ 1.69, my brothers' T-bird 1.2 @ 1.33, and my (currently inactive) Duron 700 @ 945. :beerbang:
speaking of athlon temps. i don't know if my athlon is FUX0RD or what. It's been working perfectly (which should be a warning sign right there), last night it shot up over 60C tripping my alarm so i turned off and things went fine. today i came downstairs after supper and the temp was at 70C so i shut down distributed again, the temp dropped back down to 55C and then started climbing again, i finally gave up on it and switched to the laptop which isn't exactly a great time.:(
check your fan and heatsink, could be a shifted sink, dead or dyin fan, dried out thermal compound, case fan failure, incorrect vcore setting etc..
i've been meaning to take a good look at it, unfortunately i start posting here and my evening is pretty much over :headbang:
finally got around to looking at it, vacuumed out the case to see if it would help. when i fired up distributed the temp set off the alarm in about 5 minutes (60C). turned distributed off and the temp dropped to 45C which i think is a bit low for idle loads. turned distributed back on and temps slowly crawled back up to 60+ re-goo'd the die and now my cpu is @ ~51.5 after 50 minutes, it's been holding steady for about 35 minutes. This is a couple degrees cooler than my normal load temp which i'm assuming is because the thermal compound is still fresh. I've been using the little tube i got with my zalman, would buying some expensive stuff like artic silver work better and/or keep me from having to re-goo my cpu every month?
AS3 can lower your temps by anywhere from 3 to 10 C above the white stuff, once it's settled in. It will also probably last longer between applications.
fury said:
AS3 can lower your temps by anywhere from 3 to 10 C above the white stuff, once it's settled in. It will also probably last longer between applications.

How often do you have to re-apply AS3?
I haven't reapplied the AS3 on my brothers' T-bird since I built it, and its temps are still as low as the day after I set it up. (which isn't saying much, it's got a crappy fan on there, but it works and overclocks the T-bird acceptably)

Before that, I only applied it once every 3-6 months, and that was usually because I got a new heatsink or the fan on the heatsink failed and I needed to scrape off the burnt AS3 and reapply it.
Go for it, it's not at all expensive ($8 or so) considering the amount you get... 3 grams is good enough to apply to the average modern cpu core a few dozen times.